- A Threesome Is Manly: Reportedly, until she died in 1962, Marilyn often had threesomes with Charles Chaplin, Jr, and Edward G. Robinson, Jr, who were the sons of Charlie Chaplin and Edward G. Robinson.
- Best Known for the Fanservice: Subway vent. Skirt. There is constant Shout-outs, often parodic of this scene of The Seven Year Itch, ensuring her legacy keeps going. Aside of Moral Guardians, nobody is complaining.
- Never Suicide: A conspiracy theory says Bobby Kennedy had Marilyn killed by the CIA so that she would not reveal her association with President John F. Kennedy. Retired CIA assassin Normand Hodges says that she was the only woman he ever assassinated and he explains that she was a threat to the nation.
- Workout Fanservice: In his book Marilyn: a biography, Norman Mailer writes that on oppressively hot days Marilyn threw together improvised picnic lunches and went to Muscle Beach. She went there to watch the guys lift weights in speedos in the sweltering heat and look at their muscles and sweat.