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  • Complete Monster: Pick a Sade villain. Any Sade villain. More often than not, they're the protagonists.
    • To a certain extent, Sade himself qualifies due to genuinely considering this the way to live and actively promoting such a debauched lifestyle, which based on his own comments, he doesn't even disagree.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Eugénie raping her mother and sewing her genitals shut after having her infected with syphillis.
  • Nausea Fuel: Copious amounts of it. The 120 Days of Sodom is the most notorious in this regard, but almost all of Sade's works include content that can easily turn a reader's stomach.
  • The Woobie: Though Sade obviously did not intend for us to sympathize with Justine, it's pretty tough not to — she's a sweet-natured girl who just wants to be good and do good things. But because she lives in a Marquis De Sade novel, she gets put through utter hell for it. Just about everyone she meets who doesn't want to beat and/or rape her wants to do even worse things to her, and usually gets to do them. The high point of the story has Justine recounting about how when she was twelve, she asked for shelter in a man's house and was told she could only stay if she had sex with him — and then getting screamed at by the person she told about this for being a "parasite" who wanted something for nothing. It does not get better for this girl.