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  • This exchange in "Martha Spins a Tale":

 Helen: You guys are so irritating!

Martha: Does irritating mean fun!?

  • This gem from "Martha in Charge", when Helen got Laryngitis:

 Helen's Mom: I hope Helen recuperates.

Martha: She shouldn't do that! She should get better!

Helen's Mom: That's what recuperates means.

Martha: Really? But that sounds like a bad thing! Like "Don't come in, I just recuperated all over the floor..."

    • Heck, the entire episode was hilarious, Home Alone-style.
  • In "Carolina's Gifted," Carolina has a gift certificate that she says she's "squirreled away" for nearly a year. Martha spends most of the rest of the story desperately trying to find out where the squirrel is. Also, later on she's asked what she would "splurge on," if she could. She gets very upset, saying that she doesn't splurge on anything: she's housebroken.
    • Similarly in "Martha Camps Out", Martha keeps asking "Who's Big Minnie!?".
  • In "Martha Gives Advice", Carolina fainted, not because she discovers Martha can talk, but because she's been listening to her advice, which includes dressing up like Helen.
  • In "Wagstaff Races", TD and Alice's kart gets sent off by the wind and off to sea.
  • In "Martha in the Doghouse", TD used his belt to told something up, but it collapsed and his pants fell.
  • In "The Missing Metal Mystery", TD believes HE stole his own trophy and the metals from the junkyard. He spends the entire episode trying to prove he's guilty.
  • In "Truman On the Ball", TD picks up a book at the library, and spends the rest of the episode commenting on how "I don't think I should have read this book at my age" and making jokes about the plot. The book? Moby Dick.
  • In "Dogs in Space", TD wears a jetpack but forgot to buckle up.
  • In "Alice Covers Up", TD gives Alice lemons to wipe off the orange dye. They don't work, but TD said she smells zesty. Alice throws a lemon on his head.
    • TD has an idea of getting dog-vision sunglasses for everyone at the pool party to wear so Alice wouldn't be embarrassed.

 Helen: Do those sort glasses even exist?

TD: No. But it be nice if they did.

[Alice slams her head on the table.]

  • Helen gets tired of Martha and Skits bickering over the flying squirrel toy in "Dog Fight" so she makes them watch a video about sharing that parodies Sesame Street. The dogs seem to get the moral when Helen asks them. Later, TD and Alice were still arguing about Martha and Skits' fight so they ended up getting the same treatment. Unlike the dogs, their response started with this:

 Helen: What did you guys learn?

Alice: I learned that boy puppets are more selfish than girl puppets.
