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 Helen: "Dad, we found your favorite comic."

Dad: "Pinkie the Pony?"

    • (despite FIM was still in production when the episode was premiered on February 19, 2010. FIM premiered on October 10, 2010 on The Hub)
    • Not to mention MLP G3 cartoons NOT produced by Studio B/DHX Vancouver starring Pinkie Pie
    • In "Martha Out West", TD wants to put aliens in his home-made Western movie.

 Truman: Have you ever heard of an alien settler in a Western?

  • Squick: Martha eating and rolling around in garbage. Also, in one episode she claimed to be rolling around in dead snakes.
  • The Woobie: Some episodes depict Martha in this fashion, such as when she believed she'd been cursed with bad luck, leading her to run away from home. Sure, otherwise she's happy in most episodes, but when she's suffering, she does so beautifully!