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Here are the characters from the popular sci-fi anime Martian Successor Nadesico, along with the tropes they represent. Please be aware of spoilers.

Crew of the Nadesico[]

Akito Tenkawa

Yurika Misumaru

Ruri Hoshino

Jiro Yamada Gai Daigouji

Megumi Reinald

  • Clingy Jealous Girl: A lot more so than Yurika, and that's saying something. It took awhile to set in, but once it did, it effectively murdered her chances of getting Akito's affection at all. She actually does gets the seeds of a serious relationship started, but she destroyed it all by trying to take things too far, which utterly repulsed him. Trying to get him to leave the crew of the Nadesico to their fate when they were in trouble didn't help either.
  • Heroic BSOD: A brief one in Episode 4, after the destruction of the space station.
  • Lethal Chef
  • Naoko Takano
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: She's a voice actress who shares the same name as a certain real-life popularity...

Minato Haruka

Jun Aoi

Goat Hoary

Mr. Prospector

Ryoko Subaru

Hikaru Amano

Izumi Maki

Seiya Uribatake

  • Berserk Button: He has two of these: 1) Seeing Akito 'get all the chicks', and 2) people breaking his Aestivalises.
  • Cargo Ship: He went head over heels with glee at the sight of the Aestivalis piloted by Nagare Akatsuki.
  • Dirty Old Man: Played straight and subverted and played straight again. Part of the reason he came aboard was to get away from his wife and (theoretically) spread some wild oats. Later on, people think there's something going on between him and Hikaru. Then they find out that she's helping him build a diorama with 1/48 scale plastic Aestivalis models. Then Hikaru has to let him down easy when he does try to start a romantic relationship with her.
    • And then subverted again later in the series when he makes a heartfelt promise to his wife that he'll return to her once the fighting ends.
  • Mr. Fixit and The Engineer (specifically, a Mechanic)
  • Nobuo Tobita
  • Where Does He Get All Those Wonderful Toys?: Justified; he makes most of the special gear used by the Nadesico by embezzling Nergal company funds, but they turn a blind eye to it as it means they get new equipment to use.

Inez Fressange


  • Crazy Prepared: She has over 300 different spices in the ships pantry. Her reason: she wants to make sure each crew member gets to eat exactly what they want, because nobody knows if it might be their last meal.
  • Mentor: To Akito, at least where cooking is concerned.
  • Supreme Chef

Sadaki Munetake

  • Driven to Suicide
  • The Neidermeyer
  • Heroic BSOD- He was actually a much more moral, upright human being who believed in justice and doing the right thing, but he became corrupted by his own ambition, and after The Reveal on the identity of the Jovian Lizards, he snaps when his guilt over the bastard he became and his horror that what he fought for was a massive lie combine and drive him crazy.
  • The Scrappy
  • We Have Reserves: When Minato points out that shooting the Nadesico's gravity blast will cause massive friendly casualties, his answer is pretty much "So what?"

Nagare Akatsuki

Erina Kinjo Won

  • Love Hurts (It's implied she knew and had feelings for Akito's father, which might explain why she's so snappy around him)
  • Manipulative Bitch
  • The Scrappy
  • Smug Snake: Never quite reaches her boss Akatsuki's levels of brilliance, and comes across more as an annoying, self-important bitch who cares for nothing but herself.

Jovian Federation / Martian Successors[]

Tsukumo Shiratori

Yukina Shiratori

Genichiro Tsukiyomi

Saburota Takasugi

Haruki Kusakabe

Aritomo Shinjo
