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  • Martian Successor Nadesico: "I've waited a long time to see you again, mister."
    • The third episode of Nadesico. Gai Daigoji is introduced in the first episode as a lively, comical mecha otaku with a Super Robot protagonist's personality, despite the show being Real Robot. And indeed, the tone of the first three episodes is quite Super Robot... until the closing minutes when Gai is, out of nowhere, suddenly shot dead
  • The story behind the Nadesico having such a well stocked galley is rather sad.
  • The entire sequence on Mars where Yurika needs to make the choice of activating the Distortion Field and kill the Martians they came to save, or let the Nadesico get destroyed.
  • The death of Tsukumo Shiratori as well as his girlfriend Minato being badly broken by that.