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Historical Characters[]
Queen Elizabeth II[]
The queen of England who employs both Sir Nicholas and Dr. Strange. Is killed by agents of Count Otto von Doom.
Virginia Dare[]
The historical first child born in the New World. In this series, she has the mysterious power to turn into animals. Becomes a love interest for Parquagh. Somewhat based off Gwen Stacy, considering her ties to Parquagh and her ultimate fate.
Ananias Dare[]
The Governor of Roanoke Colony and Virginia's father. Possibly based off of George Stacy.
King James[]
King James VI of Scotland, becomes King James I of England after Elizabeth's death. Hates witchbreed with a passion, striking deals with the Inquisition to further his agendas.
- Ambiguously Gay: Based on a popular theory of scholars, he seems to hit on Petros.
William Shakespeare[]
The Bard of Stratford, a famous playwright who Doom kidnaps to document his journeys.
Sir Nicholas Fury[]
Queen Elizabeth's spymaster, and Peter's master. Finds himself a traitor to the throne when James takes over and becomes a fugitive. He is this reality's Nick Fury.
Doctor Stephen Strange[]
Queen Elizabeth's court physician, who secretly practices witchcraft. Is contacted by Uatu, but must take his vow as well to remain silent. When James ascends the throne, he is beheaded, but manages to communicate anyway. Passes to the next world when the world is saved. He is this reality's Doctor Strange
Uatu the Watcher[]
Same as always, he must never interfere. Except for this time. Knows that these characters are showing up 400 years early, and knows that if left unchecked, it will destroy reality.
Peter Parquagh/The Spider[]
Sir Nicholas' young apprentice. Timid and bookish, a Running Gag involves him almost getting bitten by various spiders until he finally is at the end. He is this world's Spider-Man.
Matthew Murdoch[]
A blind minstrel whose favorite ballade tells of "The Four From the Fantastick," but is often asked to stop singing it. Moonlights as an agent of Fury's, traveling across Europe to retrieve the Templar treasure. He is this reality's Daredevil.
Clea Strange[]
Stephen's wife and helper. Revealed to be from another dimension. She's this reality's Clea. Duh.
An old man assigned to protect the treasure of the Templars, in the hopes that it can stave off doomsday. The real treasure is the walking stick he carries, which transforms into Mjollnir when struck on the ground, with its wielder taking the form of The Mighty Thor. Donal becomes a drunkard when he realizes that this means a crisis of faith for him.
Sir Richard Reed[]
A scientist and explorer who led the expedition of the Fantastick. Bathed in the energies of the anomaly, he gained powers corresponding to water. Was imprisoned in a cave with no holes by Doom where he would often be sought out by the Count for scientific advice. He is this reality's Mister Fantastic.
Susan Storm[]
A young woman who fled England from an arranged marriage by sailing on the Fantastick. Gaining powers corresponding to air, Susan cannot become visible again, which means that the fetus of her and Reed's son can be seen growing inside her when she becomes pregnant. Doom imprisoned her in a glass case, using her as a sort of decoration for his bedchamber. She is this reality's Invisible Woman.
John Storm[]
Susan's hotheaded brother who once killed a man in a duel. Gained powers corresponding to fire, and thus kept under a waterfall by Doom. He is this reality's Human Torch.
Benjamin Grimm[]
The captain of the Fantastick, and an old friend of Reed's. Gained powers corresponding to earth, and was imprisoned in Doom's dungeon, being deprived of food when he acted up. He is this reality's Thing.
Carlos Javier[]
A powerful witchbreed who uses his home as a safe haven to teach young witchbreed to use their powers safely. He is this reality's Professor X.
Scotius Somerisle[]
The field leader of Javier's students. Can fire beams of energy from his eyes, which can only be stopped by rubies. He is this reality's Cyclops.
Roberto Trefusis[]
One of Javier's students, who can lower temperatures to freezing levels, creating ice. He is this reality's Iceman.
Hal McCoy[]
Another of Javier's students. Henry has an apeish physique, which led to him being tormented as a child. His appearance belies his eloquent tongue and sharp mind. Further mutated into a blue furry monster by Octavius' attempts to cure himself. He is this reality's Beast.
A witchbreed with angel-like wings who was rescued from the Spanish Inquisition by Javier's students. Forms a close friendship with "John" Grey, to the displeasure of Scotius. He is this reality's Angel.
John Grey/Jean Grey[]
A telepathic and telekinetic witchbreed who studies with Javier. Is actually a girl disguised as a boy. Dies from the strain of keeping the ship in the air to Latveria.
Rojhaz/ Steve Rogers/ Captain America[]
Virginia's near-silent Native American companion. Stands out with his blond hair and light skin. It's revealed that he's the cause of the anomalies, as he is Steven Rogers, aka Captain America, sent back in time from a Bad Future ruled by the Purple Man.
One of Fury's soldiers who remains loyal to him. This reality's Dum Dum Dugan.
The chief of the Native Americans living near Roanoke.
Henri le Pym[]
A scientist who was blackmailed by Octavius into curing him. Developed a potion that shrunk his wife to the size of an insect, and he later used to become a giant. Is this world's version of Ant-Man/Giant Man.
Janet le Pym[]
Le Pym's wife who has been shrunken to insect size and kidnapped by Octavius as leverage. Octavius threatens to feed her to Conners if le Pym disobeys him. She is this reality's Wasp.
Count Otto von Doom[]
The handsome ruler of Latveria. Orchestrates the assassination of Queen Elizabeth, tries to use the Templar treasure to rule the world, and keeps the Four from the Fantastick imprisoned. In a climactic battle, his face is horribly scarred by lightning. He later voyages to the edge of the world to fix his face. He is this reality's Doctor Doom.
Grand Inquisitor Enrique[]
The Grand Inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition. Tasked with stamping out witchbreed, the Inquisitor is very thorough with his work, despite some rescues from his old friend Javier's students. Secretly, he is only executing witchbreed who cannot pass as human like Werner. He is a witchbreed himself and is this reality's Magneto.
Brother Petros[]
The Inquisitor's assistant and messenger. Unknown to him, he is Enrique's son, and this world's Quicksilver.
Sister Wanda[]
Another of the Inquisitor's assistants, and his daughter. Thus, she is the Scarlet Witch of this world.
Enrique's spy in the Vatican. How he managed to avoid execution considering his appearance is unknown. He sold out the Inquisitor and his assistants for his freedom, but Enrique kept him around anyways. He is this reality's Toad. Goes without saying.
Vulture Fliers[]
Henchmen of Count Otto von Doom who have the power to fly. They seem to be genetic monsters created by the Count. They are based on the Vulture.
"The Most Dangerous Woman in Europe," Natasha was traveling with Matthew until she tried to kill him so that she could take the Templar treasure to her true master and lover: Count von Doom. She accompanies Doom on his voyage to the edge of the world, but is thrown overboard.
Purple Man[]
Implied to use his powers to become President of the United States, creating a Bad Future where heroes are hunted down. It is this regime that unwittingly sends Captain America back through time.
Norman Osborne[]
A Roanoke colonist who tries to buy the Native American's land. Resorts to increasingly criminal methods to try and find "The Source" of the world's strangeness, lusting for its power. Eventually kills Virginia and is sent to England to be executed. Is infected with gangrene, then mutated into a goblin-like monster by Octavius. He is this world's Norman Osborn/Green Goblin.
Baron Victor Octavius[]
An Italian noble and scientist who tried to cure himself of the bubonic plague using octopus blood. Instead, he mutated himself into an octopus monster. He managed to slow the transformation, but began running out of viable options to keep him human. Is this reality's Doctor Octopus.
A scientist who also tried to cure himself of the plague, but used dinosaur eggs instead of octopi blood. This mutated him into a dinosaur-like creature who retained his intelligence. He is this world's Lizard.
Captain Fiske[]
A pirate captain who attacks the ship Parquagh and Osborne are on en route to England. He is this reality's Kingpin.
Bull's Eye[]
Fiske's first mate who has an unmatchable aim. He is this reality's Bullseye.
A wizard who guides Doom to the edge of the world. He is this reality's Wizard.
Wizard's wife, who is a figure much like the mythical Gorgon. This reality's Medusa.
An albino in the Four Who Are Frightful's company. This world's Sandman (as in the Spider-Man baddie), with a bit of that other Comicbook/Sandman thrown in.
An expert hunter and trapster who voyages with the Wizard's company. This reality's Trapster or Paste-Pot-Pete or what have you.
Fin Fang Foom[]
A dragon who rampages through China until the Hulk kills him. This reality's Fin Fang Foom.
David Banner[]
King James' right hand man. An all around Jerkass, he carried out the king's will without question until he came to the New World to search for Nicholas Fury. When the heroes saved the world, Banner shielded Peter Parquagh from the energies of the anomaly, turning him into The Incredible Hulk.
Lord Iron[]
A Spanish knight who Banner tortured in a war. Requires a special suit of armor he built to keep his heart beating. He is this reality's Iron Man.
Lord Iron's Moor assistant. This reality's War Machine.
Master Jameson[]
The loud-mouthed Irish publisher of The Daily Trumpet. Distrusts all super-powered people, and declares there should be a ban. This reality's J. Jonah Jameson.
Captain Ross[]
The captain of Lord Iron's ship to the New World. Leads a task force of men to destroy "the Source." After being lied to by Osborne. This reality's General Thunderbolt Ross.
The ruler of Bensaylum. Killed by von Doom. This reality's Namor.
Numenor's cousin who John falls in love with. This reality's Namorita.
Doris Evans[]
A young woman who John brings along on the Four's adventure. Dislikes him at first, but warms up to him. This reality's Doris Evans, the Human Torch's earliest girlfriend.
Lord Wingfoot[]
Lady Evans' fiance, who becomes John's friend at the end. This reality's Wyatt Wingfoot.
Marion Jane[]
An actress in a theater company who befriends Peter. This reality's Mary Jane Watson.