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  • Genius Bonus: Reed discusses how he's arranged the sciences around Knights of the Round Table, such as Lamorack and Bors.
    • And of course, Lamorack was designated to be the name for biology, Galvan for electricity and gravity etc.Even Merlinus for things he couldn't classify.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Stephen Strange's head, when shown to Richard Reed and the others by Strange's wife. That thing has been preserved in whiskey, and in the panel in which it appears it is wet, its eyes are completely blank and its mouth is open wide, as if it's screaming. Bonus points for it being the first panel of a left page: it's exactly as freaky as it sounds, and it's bound to catch you off-guard the first time you read 1602.
    • Strange's wife states that one of the sailors snuck a sip from the whiskey during the voyage. "He went mad, of course."
    • The cover of part 7.
  • Tear Jerker: Jean's death, notable for being one of the only continuities where she just might stay dead.
    • Virginia Dare's death at the end.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Osbourne gives smallpox blankets to the local Native Americans, whom the colony has already made peace with, then shoots and kills Virginia Dare when she goes to tell her father what he'd done.
  • Seasonal Rot: While not bad, they don't really match up to the first miniseries.