- Acceptable Targets: After Max's air-conditioning unit falls out of his appartment and crushes a mime artist.
Narrator: "Luckily, [Max's] manslaughter charges were dismissed, because he was labeled mentally deficient, and unlikely to have a motive for killing a mime artist. Unlike most people." |
- Animation Age Ghetto: It's clay animation, so it must be for kids, right? Wrong.
- Award Snub: This movie received no nominations at the 82nd Academy Awards. It has however won at least one smaller animation award.
- Things aren't so bad for Adam Elliot, though — his previous film, "Harvie Krumpet", won an Oscar for Best Animated Short Film.
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Max gives Mary a rather silly bit of advice on how to stop another kid from bullying her. It works.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Several.
- Nightmare Fuel: The "Que Sera Sera" sequence, especially when it shows that Mary is with child.
- And when Mary finally visits Max, and cuddles up next to his corpse.
- Tearjerker: Again, the "Que Sera Sera" sequence, and all that built up to it. Mary's sheer misery and self-loathing is utterly tragic.
- The Woobie: Both Mary and Max, very much so.