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Maryse Mizanin (born Maryse Ouellet, January 21, 1983) is a French-Canadian professional wrestler and model who formerly worked for the WWE from 2006 to 2011, and in 2016 onward in her second run, where she is a two-time Divas Champion. In early 2014, she married WWE wrestler The Miz. Thus…Mrs…Miz? She returned to the company in early 2016 to help her husband win the Intercontinental Championship.

That Other Wiki has a rundown on her life and career.

Tropes associés à Maryse[]

Maryse: R'vire toé d'l'autre bord, hey espèce de fatiguant! Laisse mon mari tranquille! Te's vraiment gossant!
(In English): Hey, look at me you annoying jerk! You're the most annoying, irritating man in the planet! Leave my husband alone! Look at me when I'm talking to you!
    • As Miz & Mrs. shows, Maryse doesn't like what her husband does the following: 1) playing golf behind her back; Miz tells his dad that he'll be playing golf but to keep it in secret from Maryse, but Miz Dad decided to tell her anyway, and Miz ends up having dolls wearing golf gear on his cabinet! 2) Don't touch her personal belongings unless you don't want yours to be sold on eBay.
  • Canada, Eh?: She's from Montreal.