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The second Netflix reboot of the Masters of the Universe franchise, following 2018's She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Masters of the Universe: Revelation is a Broad Strokes Darker and Edgier Sequel Series to the original 1983 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.
The story opens with the final duel between He-Man and Skeletor ending in a, temporary, Mutual Kill, savagely curtailing the magic in Eternia and fracturing He-Man's companions, particularly Teela who is greatly offended at having been Locked Out of the Loop about He-Man's identity. With chaos mounting in magic's absence, Teela gathers old friends and foes to try and save the planet.
Part 1 of Season 1 released in July of 2021, with Part 2 following in November of that year. Part 3 was rebranded as Masters of the Universe: Revolution and released on January 25th 2023.
- A God Am I: Said by Skeletor when he gets his hands on the Power of Grayskull.
- Actor Allusion: Mark Hamill as Skeletor has some aspects of Hamill's Joker. His persona of "Skeletek" in Part 3 sounds rather similar to Hamill's prior role of skekTek.
- William Shatner's character is "laughing at the superior intellect."
- Adaptational Angst Upgrade: In the original show, Orko was a Normal Fish in a Tiny Pond, inept back home but a powerful mage in Eternia. Here he sucks at using magic in both realms.
- Alternate Continuity: To the original series. It broadly follows the same story but some characters and backstory elements are different.
- Another Dimension: Preternia and Subternia, Eternia's analogues to heaven and hell. The living can travel to them through specific points beneath the planet.
- Anyone Can Die: Anyone. But that doesn't mean they'll stay dead. Anyone can die but anyone can come back.
- Big Stupid Doodoo Head: "Boob" is Skeletor's preferred insult.
- Bigger Bad: Hordak. He takes on the role of the Big Bad in Part 3 which hints at the true Bigger Bad: Horde Prime.
- Bloodier and Gorier: As opposed to the Bloodless Carnage of the original show.
- Central Theme: Magic Versus Science.
- Decoy Protagonist: Teela, not Adam, is The Protagonist of Part 1. Though Adam is Back From the Dead in Part 2, the main role is shared among the characters from thereon out.
- Eternia Is the Center of the Universe: It's at the exact center of creation.
- Evil Is Petty: Skeletor's entire purpose in life is to kill He-Man. While everyone gives him a "And Then What?" moment, it works in his favour as having such a single-minded focus to a goal keeps him centered and sure of himself.
- Exact Words: In a meta-sense, Kevin Smith promised that the series would be "all about He-Man". He never said that Adam/He-Man would be the main character.
- Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Even after everyone learns that Skeletor was once Keldor, no one has any sympathy for him. Life may have given him a raw deal but he's such a douchebag that it's impossible to feel bad for him.
- Internal Reveal: Teela and Randor learn of Adam's Secret Identity in the opening episode. Needless to say, they're none too happy.
- Jerkass Ball: The shock of learning that Adam was He-Man, along with some Parting Words Regret over getting zero time to process that before he dies, causes Teela to hold one quite firmly in Part 1, though it's implied several times to be a Jerkass Facade to cover the hurt of being Locked Out of the Loop. Her Character Development in Part 2 causes her to drop it and she's noticeably softer in Part 3.
- Last of His Kind: Maybe for Orko.
- Loose Canon: The live-action film is implied to have happened in a Broad Strokes manner.
- The Magic Goes Away: As a result of Adam and Skeletor's battle in the opener, the magic in Eternia begins to run dry. Restoring it is the main quest of Part 1 as Eternia is a Cosmic Keystone.
- Make Way for the New Villains: When Skeletor tries to rebuild at the end of Part 2, the Horde assimilates him.
- Meaningful Titles: "Revelation". As in the rules and traditions of Eternia are just that. Not cosmic facts of the universe, just dogma passed down by the ancients. And what follows a revelation? A "Revolution".
- Multicultural Alien Planet: Eternia.
- Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Motherboard squeezing Skeletor's brain too hard causes his memories of being Keldor to seep back in.
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: Skeletor. While he is rightfully mocked as a Man Child, it's shown that he's still a remorselessly evil bastard who believes in Klingon Promotions and will kill you if given the chance.
- Parting Words Regret: Randor with regards to Adam. He gets to make up when Adam comes back.
- Power Limiter: The Sword. Without it, Adam would turn into a Physical God but one with so much raw power that his higher functions would be overwhelmed.
- Race Lift: Greyskull is depicted as a black man.
- Reality Ensues:
- Despite having a support group, Orko has crippling self-esteem issues as a result of his poor grasp on magic and feeling like The Load.
- When magic left Eternia, people began developing new technologies to compensate. Necessity is the mother of invention after all.
- Spiritual Antithesis: Its first two parts to She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. While both reimagined the Masters of the Universe brand and weren't afraid to break with old trends, She-Ra redid everything from the ground up, distancing itself from the original shows, while Revelation leaned on the original continuity to ask some tough questions about the world. In She-Ra, Big Bad Hordak is given Adaptational Heroism and Hidden Depths before ultimately being replaced by horrifyingly shallow Horde Prime as the True Final Boss. In Revelation, Big Bad Skeletor is as petty and one-dimensional as ever while the humanized Evil-Lyn manages to usurp him as the True Final Boss.
- Static Character: Skeletor. He lives only to kill He-Man and everything he does will always come back to that.
- Wrecked Weapon: The Power Sword in the pilot. One half wound up in Subternia and the other in Preternia. It becomes a Reforged Blade so it can restore balance.