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The second Netflix reboot of the Masters of the Universe franchise, following 2018's She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Masters of the Universe: Revelation is a Broad Strokes Darker and Edgier Sequel Series to the original 1983 He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

The story opens with the final duel between He-Man and Skeletor ending in a, temporary, Mutual Kill, savagely curtailing the magic in Eternia and fracturing He-Man's companions, particularly Teela who is greatly offended at having been Locked Out of the Loop about He-Man's identity. With chaos mounting in magic's absence, Teela gathers old friends and foes to try and save the planet.

Part 1 of Season 1 released in July of 2021, with Part 2 following in November of that year. Part 3 was rebranded as Masters of the Universe: Revolution and released on January 25th 2023.

Tropes used in Masters of the Universe: Revelation include: