Matches and Matrimony is a downloadable PC game in the form of a Dating Sim, but instead of the usual anime influence, this one is based on the works of Jane Austen. Although it predominantly takes its plot from Pride and Prejudice, characters and incidents from Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion are also mixed in.
The player assumes the role of Elizabeth Bennet and enters the world of Regency England. The Player Character may end up as the wife of one of six Austen men or stay unmarried.
Created by Reflexive, the game is available for both PC and Mac.
Tropes used in Matches and Matrimony include:
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Lydianne
- Composite Character: Several.
- The player character's younger sister is named Lydianne; she is a combination of Lydia Bennet from Pride and Prejudice and Marianne Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility.
- One of the potential suitors is Mr. Wickeby, who is a combination of George Wickham and John Willoughby.
- Lady Lucas is a combination of several characters, including Mrs. Gardiner and Mrs. Jennings.
- In the path which has the player character pursuing Mr. Bingley, he turns into a composite of that character and Edward Ferrars from Sense.
- The player character is usually based on Elizabeth Bennet; however, when pursuing Mr. Bingley she turns more into Elinor Dashwood, and when pursuing Captain Wentworth she turns more into Anne Elliot from Persuasion. Also, when pursuing Colonel Brandon the long way (i.e. chasing after Wickeby while still being friendly with the Colonel) she turns more into Marianne Dashwood.
- Cool Big Sis: As in the novel, Jane Bennet; even in the path where you pursue Mr. Bingley (who is her canonical Love Interest), she accepts it and in fact is quite happy to marry Colonel Brandon.
- Dance of Romance: with any character.
- Dialogue Tree: At every major decision, provided that the required stats are high enough; if you're lacking in, say, Willpower, you might not have access to all the options.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Lydianne Bennet and Charlotte Lucas, both of whom look rather sickly as a result.
- First Guy Wins: The ending where you marry Captain Wentworth, as it's explained that he and the player character were in love years earlier but she was convinced by her mother to break it off.
- Golden Ending: Most of the endings are considered good, but the "best" one is the one which exactly follows the plot of Pride and Prejudice and ends with the player character happily married to Mr. Darcy.
- Guide Dang It: Some of the actions you need to take in order to achieve the Golden Ending seem rather counterintuitive. It also doesn't help that while the game tells you if certain dialogue choices make the other characters like you more or less, it will not give you any clues about Darcy's opinion.
- However, if you've read Pride and Prejudice, you'll have a good idea of how to win Darcy's heart, as most of the required actions are essentially the player character acting just like Elizabeth does in the book.
- Basically, if you see text from Pride and Prejudice on the Darcy path, you picked the right choice.
- Hair of Gold: Mr. Bingley, to accentuate the contrast with Mr. Darcy.
- Hello, Insert Name Here: Although you're technically supposed to be playing Elizabeth Bennet, you can name the Player Character anything you'd like.
- In Universe Game Clock: The plot apparently only takes place on weekends, and during the weeks in between, you must select the actions your character performs.
- Kissing Cousins: The ending in which you marry Mr. Collins.
- Lost Forever: Certain paths become unavailable if particular stats are too high or too low, but this is necessary in order to achieve others. The simplest example is the two locations for the later parts of the game; if you go to Kent, you cannot achieve any of the London paths, and vice versa.
- May-December Romance: The ending in which you marry Colonel Brandon.
- Multiple Endings
- New Game+: Sort of. Once you've completed the first nine chapters (in any path), you have the option of starting a new game from chapter ten, with all of the stats needed to pursue your suitor of choice.
- Player and Protagonist Integration: Played with. You play the 'Elizabeth' character, but she's also the one who talks to you in the beginning and explains how everything works.
- Special Effect Failure: The characters, who strongly resemble paper dolls. They don't even bother to change their pose most of the time, only their facial expressions. This leads to some gems like Mr. Darcy asking if Elizabeth reads when she's holding a book in her off-hand or Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth dancing while Elizabeth is holding a book and while Mr. Darcy's hands are hanging by her side.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome: Mr. Darcy, of course. Oddly, and presumably unintentionally, he somehow resembles a Regency version of Roy Mustang.