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"Once you let that atomic genie out of its bottle, there's no turning back, gentlemen!"
Scientist, MANT!

"Grownups don't know what they're doing either, kid. That's the real hustle."
Lawrence Woolsey

Matinee is a 1993 Dramedy film directed by Joe Dante. Set in Key West, Florida during the Cuban Missile Crisis Gene and his little brother Dennis live on the military base with their mother while their father is deployed in the Navy. Amidst the growing paranoia of the impending nuclear destruction, movie producer Lawrence Woosley comes to town to premiere his latest creature feature "MANT!" and uses his unique brand of showmanship to play off of people's fears.

The film received critical acclaim when it was first released but has fallen to the sands of time and currently lives on as a Cult Classic.

Tropes used in Matinee (film) include:

 "What if we're the last ones left on earth?" "That'd make us... Adam and Eve."


 You think this is a picnic for me?! Ha ha ha ha! Did you hear what I just said, get it? Ant, picnic? What am I, alone here?

(scientist picks up bug spray)


 Scientist: "Young man. I'm afraid you've suffered some of the worst of what our... mighty little friend, the atom has to offer! It can power a city... or level it!"


 Dentist: X-rays, Carol. A form of radiation. An ant must have bitten Bill when he was getting his teeth x-rayed... Anyway, the ant's saliva must've gotten into Bill's bloodstream and gone straight to his brain — just as the radiation, which is measured in units called Röentgens, was released!!


 Dentist (shrugs) "...MANT!" (Scare Chord)


 Scientist: "And that's not all. You'll grow... (tsk tsk) get bigger!"

Dentist: "I'm sorry, Bill!

  • Why Would Anyone Take Him Back?: Starkweather seems bent on stalking Sherry after sending her beat poetry from juvenile detention.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: Sandra recognizes the futility of nuclear drills and paints a grim picture of the effects of radiation. She is also a crusader for social justice, familiar with Gandhi and the plight of Negroes in the United States.
    • This is probably thanks to her parents, who seem just a little out of place.