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  • Crossover Ship: Given the panfandom nature of the game, quite a few of these exist.
  • Crowning Events Of Awesome: Widely praised for its complex, mod-heavy, horrifying events.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Dear god, how the mods use sarcasm and dry humor during truly horrific events (Or just hilarious events like the Milk Mech and the epic battle between the Postman and the Milkman (nation bodies!)), and a bunch of characters. From Shana to America to Prussia to Olivier to Nena Trinity to Rin, Mayfield has a bunch of hilarious ic humor.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Some of the events.
    • Most of the events are this one way or another. It's called a horror-ish game for a reason.
      • The Christmas song of 2010 comes to mind. HE KNOWS HE KNOWS HE KNOWS...
        • Dear god, I can't be the only one legitimately scared by what the Milkman may be doing? Also, the poor hostages at the gas station and diner. And definitely, Lucy Smith's phone call to the post man.
      • Hasn't happened yet, but this FAQ is a very good example.
  • Foe Yay: The Riddler and Batman.