McLeod's Daughters is an Australian soap opera revolving around the McLeod family farm, Drovers Run. (No relation to that McLeod family.) The series ran for eight seasons from 2001 to 2009. Its focus began on two sisters, Claire and Tess, attempting to run the family farm after the death of their father.
Tropes used in McLeod's Daughters include:
- Artifact Title: All of McLeod's daughters had left the series by the final season.
- Back for the Finale: Sonia Todd and Rachael Carpani. Bridie Carter did a voiceover.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Claire and Alex.
- Bratty Teenage Daughter: Jodi in the first season. She failed her HSC and constantly moaned about how she would rather be living a glamorous life in the city than be on the farm. She also looked to Becky as a role model (for the wrong reasons).
- The City vs. the Country: The basic premise of the first season.
- Death by Childbirth: Claire's mother, Prudence, when giving birth to Claire's little brother, Adam. In addition to Prudence dying in childbirth, the baby was stillborn.
- Eating Lunch Alone: In some of the earlier episodes, this trope is used to demonstrate Claire's loneliness since Jack died (though she'd never admit it). Tess was shocked that Meg and Jodi would eat dinner in their own house, leaving Claire to eat alone. Of course, once Tess moved in, this was no longer an issue.
- Embarrassing Nickname: Brick. Because he can't swim and would sink like one if he tried.
- Ensemble Cast
- Evil Matriarch: The word evil might be a bit harsh, but Liz Ryan certainly thinks she knows what is best for her boys. Particularly when it comes to women.
- Farmer's Daughter
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry: Both Claire and Tess are desperate to prove that they have what it takes to run Drover's.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Nick and Tess
- I Never Got Any Letters: Craig hides Alberto's letters to Jodi, despite being the postman. Somehow, he did not get fired for it. Also, Tess finds out that Jack sent her birthday and Christmas cards when she was a child. Her mother returned to sender without ever telling her.
- Important Haircut: Becky cuts her hair using a shard of a broken mirror after taking a job at Drovers Run.
- Love Thy Neighbour: Too many pairings of the Drovers girls/Killarney boys to mention here.
- Luke, You Are My Father: Alex to Bryce Redstaff, in the season 3 episode The Ties that Bind
- Manipulative Bastard: Harry Ryan.
- May-December Romance: Harry and Sandra.
- Must Have Caffeine: Tess blows up the house's electricity and gets her car stuck in the mud respectively in her quest for a decent coffee.
- Naive Newcomer: Tess
- Naked First Impression: Nick walking into the bathroom and seeing Tess's bum in the mirror.
- Put on a Bus: Nick and Tess. Meg and Jodi. Meg and Jodi actually did return for the final episode.
- Rape as Drama: Becky is raped by Brian, the publican. He thinks he can get away scot-free and tells her that if she reports it, no-one will believe her anyway due to the fact that she Really Gets Around.
- Romance on the Set: Rachael Carpani and Matt Passmore started dating during the show's filming. Sadly, they split in 2011.
- Scenery Porn: There are constant shots of beautiful South Australian farmland. Both Drover's Run and Killarney are breathtaking.
- Sexy Priest: Dan, the new priest in town. Kate first meets him as an SES volunteer and thinks he's hitting on her.
- Invisible to Gaydar: Vernon in the season one episode Ducks on the Pond. Everyone thinks he is an axe murderer who killed his wife and children. Until he reveals to Tess that the reason his wife is not in the picture is because he is gay
- Teen Pregnancy: Stevie gave birth to Rose when she was very young and irresponsible, and gave Rose to her (older) sister to raise.
- Wedding Day: Alex and Stevie's.. Alex almost doesn't make it when pulled over by the new cop in town who thinks he is a cattle thief.
- You Look Familiar: Matt Passmore originally appeared in the season 4 episode The Calling as landowner Greg Hope. He returned in season 7 as Alex's half-brother, Marcus.