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  • The Running Gag of Zenkichi walking in on a student council member changing clothes in the student council room.
  • End of chapter 33:
  • Nabeshima explains that she managed to survive Kumagawa's onslaught by playing dead. She thought everyone else did the same thing. They didn't.
  • Chapter 101: Kikaijima and her group go up a staircase labeled "C" and wonder what it stands for

 Unzen: Welcome you bastards! It's me.

Kikaijima: *Pose of Supplication* (thinking) That C stands for "Crazy"

Unzen: Wrong. It stands for "Child"

  • Chapter 105. Kumagawa at his best.

 Aoki: Kumagawa-senpai, I have a suggestion.

Kumagawa: [I DECLINE].

Aoki: Why don't we both retire from this match. I'll make all four of you pass.

kumagawa: [NO].

Aoki: I'll also cure all of your ailments. And I'll even cure all the bad things you had in your body.

Kumagawa: [TOO LATE NOW].

Aoki: Please, forgive me. I'm sorry.

Kumagawa: [I'M NOT SORRY].

    • Hell, Kumagawa in general. Remember when he greeted the "minor characters"?

  Six hundred human hearts just got shattered!


 Zenkichi: My mom...

Akune: YOUR MOM!?!?!?

Hitomi: His mom! :D

  • Zenkichi's sheer Wangst in chapter 126 when he realizes that he's a normal hormonal teenager with a crush on a girl.
  • In the JUMP Next spinoff:

  Kumagawa: Hello! I'm transferring here from Shonen Jump.


 Kikaijima: "Medaka is STUPID!" (thereby voicing out what the student population felt about Medaka generally)

  • Tsurubami's blasé reaction to getting beat up by Medaka.
  • Chapter 146 has a truly hilarious revelation. All throughout the series, Zenkichi has wanted to confess his love to Medaka. He ultimately decides against doing so when he has the opportunity because he thinks it'd be selfish to deny Medaka all the wonders of life by immediately tying her down to him after setting her free of her messaiah complex. While Chapter 140 ends with Medaka kissing him and saying she's fallen for him, it was always possible this was just Medaka being Medaka and it had no meaning at all. Then comes chapter 146 and we learn she actually asked him to marry her when they first met. At age 2. Zenkichi, being just a little kid, says no, crushing her. Naturally that was long ago, so Zenkichi probably forgot, but Medaka never did. It's not that she hasn't been able to fall in love that's kept her from having relationships in the past. It's that she's always loved Zenkichi, and admits she felt lucky he let her be his friend, unaware he feels it's the other way around. This whole romantic subplot could've been resolved long ago if they could just talk about it.