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Medibot is a Cloudcuckoolander Let's Player who specializes in Kirby games, and often plays co-op with his friend My Name Is Kaz. He and Kaz have also been guest commentators and participants in Pokecapn's Let's Play's, including the infamous Sonic 2006. He has guest-starred in other Let's Plays as well, including Kung Fu Jesus's God Hand and Wolfshirt's Dungeons and Dragons game.

Twisted Pixel commissioned Pokecapn and medibot to do commentary on their Kinect game The Gunstringer.

His Let's Plays can be found on the LP archives, with in-progress ones on his You Tube channel.

Notable Let's Plays are:

  • Kirby 64 The Crystal Shards, solo.
  • Kirby Super Star, with Kaz as Kirby and medibot as the helper characters.
  • Kirby's Dream Land 3, with medibot as Kirby and Kaz as Gooey.
  • Kirbys Epic Yarn, with medibot as Kirby and Kaz as Prince Fluff.
  • Mario Or Luigi Superstar Saga, with Kaz as Mario and medibot as Luigi. The game was designed to be a one player game with the player controlling both characters, but they came up with a way to make it a two player game.
  • Kirby's Return to Dream Land with special guest stars Kaz and Pokecapn, who don't come in until their characters are summoned.

Provides Examples Of:[]


 Kung Fu Jesus: They could have called it (Ripple Field) The Ocean Zone, or something.

Kaz: Yeah, well. This would be called Ocean Zone if this were Kirby the Hedgehog, or Sonic in Dreamland or something.

Kung Fu Jesus: That an interesting crossover, and something I would want to see.


 Medibot: Now, I brought Kung Fu Jesus in as a special happy fun guest commentator -

Kung Fu Jesus: No, that's false. I brought myself, thank you very much.

Medibot: He was brought in by an unknown force.

Kung Fu Jesus: By my own force...

Kaz: Welcome to Level 2! Ripple Field! In the game that we're playing.
