An Indie Game from 2002, Medicalat is a three-level side-scrolling Shoot'Em Up where a space nurse and her personal Kill Sat in form of a huge syringe take on endless waves of enemies in the veins of a person to defeat The Virus who infects everything and everyone. A good game to fill pauses at work.
- Charged Attack: Collection variety. You absorb enemies or their bullets and load the Kill Sat syringe. This makes its spread shot wider and also fuels the Wave Motion Gun.
- Chekhov's Gunman: The other nurse appears as jus another enemy first, but returns as a boss later.
- Cute Bruiser: The player's nurse.
- Cute Witch: One of the enemy types. Some come with a warning.
- Elite Mooks: Cyber sharks. Wave Motion Guns come late in the game.
- Everything Is Even Worse With Sharks: Rocket-powered cyber sharks.
- Excuse Plot: See the introduction line.
- Explosive Overclocking: Overcharging your weapon results in an explosive discharge, costing you all power and a health point.
- Giant Melon: The first boss.
- Hollywood Healing: Eat a red pill to fill up one health point.
- Kill Sat: Looks like a huge syringe and travels with you. It also is your Wave Motion Gun.
- Mega Neko: The second boss is a giant cat-like balloon with a scorpion tail.
- Mind Control: The other nurse is under this.
- Moe Anthropomorphism: Cute Witches, devils and of course the two nurses.
- Mooks: Lots of them, from red blood cell and pumpkins to devils, cyber sharks and Cute Witches.
- Power-Up: Three different pill types exist - red pills heal health, green pills charge the Kill Sat up and yellow pills can convert energy into health.
- Redshirt Army: Red blood cells and pumpkins do nothing but getting killed. On hard mode, pumpkins can fire back.
- Rule of Cool
- Shoot'Em Up
- Sinister Geometry: The third boss fight is again against the other nurse who upon defeat gets trapped in a crystal. Said crystal can fire spheres firing other spheres and diamonds that (on hard mode) explode when destroyed.
- Small Girl, Big Gun
- Spread Shot: Your syringe Kill Sat and most enemies.
- The Virus: The final boss.
- Wave Motion Gun: Everyone! The player character has it, the other nurse has it, there are enemies whose sole attack is this and every boss has a variation.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair: The other nurse has green hair.
- Zettai Ryouiki: The other nurse wears Grade A even.