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- Alternative Character Interpretation: Is Greg a hapless and sympathetic Butt Monkey who can never catch a break, or is he a chronic liar who is unworthy of Pam, just as her father thinks?
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Many consider it in the second film, when Little Jack says "Ass....hoooole" with that expressive mouth.
- First Installment Wins / Sequelitis: The first movie was considered by many as "the funniest comedy of its years". The second one received mixed reviews, with some saying it was better than the first one, and others saying it was worse (making it a Contested Sequel). The third movie was universally panned by critics, and Robert De Niro said his only reason to work for it was money.
- Funny Moments: Jack encourages Greg to test out the new safety glass on his RV by hurling a brick at it. Greg does as he's told. It bounces right off the window, and smashes the windshield on Greg's car.
- The best part of the gag is Greg refusing to buy insurance for the car (its a rental) on the basis that he wouldn't need it, and Jack's response to the windshield breaking is "Ah, well, your rental insurance will cover it."
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Owen Wilson's character in the first movie.
- Flanderization: Jack is a domineering Papa Wolf / Knight Templar Parent in the first film and gets even worse in the sequels. Greg/Gaylord, meanwhile, gradually becomes marginally more self-sufficient and assertive and by the third film, is almost Jack's equal in terms of being a hardass.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Jack - he clearly loves his daughter and wants only the best for her, but his extreme Papa Wolf personality makes it difficult for her to have any successful relationships.
- Squick: The response to seeing Jack's artificial "breast" for assisted breastfeeding is to drown one's sorrows in Brain Bleach.
Dinah: Aw Jack, you promised you wouldn't take the boob out in front of company. |
- Actually, the squick really starts when you realize that Jack probably spent quite some time making an exact copy of his daughter's breast - which wasn't even necessary. The baby would have probably been fine with a generic fake breast or, you know, a bottle
- The Woobie: Greg - nothing EVER goes right for him and his father-in-law is near impossible to please. His Amazingly Embarrassing Parents don't make it much better, either.