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  • Bowler Hat Guy revealing to Doris his brilliant plan to get revenge on Cornelius Robinson...with toilet paper. Doris comes up with the idea to steal the time machine. Bowler Hat Guy says: "My plan was brilliant! ...But we went with Doris'."
  • Both Wilbur putting on the Carmen Miranda hat, catching Lewis totally by surprise, and eventually realising it's nuts and switching it out.

 Wilbur: Dude, I can't take you seriously when you're wearing that.


  Bowler Hat Guy: Oh, I know! I'll turn him into a duck! That's delightfully evil! Oh wait... I don't know how to do that... I don't need a duck...


 Bowler Hat Guy: (after releasing the dinosaur) Doris will be so proud of me!

(cuts to Doris who looks absolutely furious)

  • "Little Doris now sleeps with the fishes." Doris takes the monitor from Bowler Hat Guy and smacks him upside the head with it.