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The World Is About To Hit Reset!


"In the not too distant future, the sinister scientist Dr. Poque creates a gaming console with the ability to tap into the human mind. He recruits young specimens Rocko and Derek, two extraordinary subjects, to become enslaved within a beta-testing camp. This is their story. This is Mega64."


Mega64 is a low budget (though their budget has increased considerably) Sketch Comedy series created by and starring Rocco Botte, Derrick Acosta, and Shawn Chatfield. The series started out focusing primarily on skits involving one or more people reenacting video games in real life. Many of Mega64's skits can be watched on their YouTube channel. However they have started focusing more on the main story and miscellaneous.

The story of Mega64 centers on Dr. Poque, a Mad Scientist who creates the ultimate gaming console, the eponymous Mega64. He kidnaps Rocko Boaty and Derek Ackawzdha and forces them to beta-test the machine. They are soon joined in these tests by Sean Chatfeild, who initially was supposed to deliver e-mails. The cast is rounded out by Horatio, Dr. Poque's Mexican roommate who steals everything, and Marcus, a sexist puppet who works for Poque.

Tropes used in Mega 64 include:
  • A Good Name for a Rock Band: "Summer Semester."
  • Ascended Meme: This image which has made the round on the internet appears several times in the series. It hits its peak when it bursts through the door into Dr. Poque's room, and is eventually revealed to have been an original test subject named Frankie.
  • Back for the Dead: Tr1gg3r S3r1ou5 reappears in Version 3, only to die moments later.
  • Badass: The Killers are a group of incredibly powerful assassins, rumored to be able to kill groups of people effortlessly. Sean has killed two of them with his bare hands.
  • Big Damn Heroes:Happens multiple times in Delaware, culminating in The Sombrero Guy.
  • Big "Shut Up!": Dr. Poque has one in "The Gangs Returned To Class And Became Honor Students."
  • Brick Joke: Near the beginning of this panel Derrick jokingly tells someone to get a cup of coffee. Near the end he comes back with one.
  • Butt Monkey: Dr. Poque.
    • Also Raiden to a certain extent in the skit supplied to the pre-E3 show: Pretty much every single one of his attempted jobs (children's birthday entertainer, plumber, gourmet chef, professional dog walker, town criar, professional skateboarder, breakdancer, and artist, in that order) since his four year unemployment ended up crashing and burning. They eventually Threw The Dog A Bone to Raiden with a last-chance job of being a cybernetic private military contractor, where it is implied that he successfully got it.
  • Call Back: There are many instances in Version 3 that call back to events, characters, or even throwaway gags from the previous two seasons.
    • In the skit supplied for the Konami Pre-E3 show, Cyborg Raiden's first attempt at a job since being unemployed for four years was being an entertainer for children's birthday parties, which went just as well as anyone would expect (when trying to cut the cake, he accidentially destroyed the entire table). At the end of the skit, Jehuty was offered the same job first, only his use of the job was even worse than Raiden's (namely, he terrorized the neighborhood by bombarding it during his "entertainer's duties")
  • Came Back Wrong: Dr. Poque has a wizard bring Sue Back From the Dead, only for her to come back as a zombie who is obsessed with getting Poque to love her.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: Shawn gets pretty bad if he drinks on the podcast.
  • Catch Phrase:

Marcus: Hey, son!

  • The Cameo: Shigeru Miyamoto appears in this Super Mario Bros. skit. Hideo Kojima and Cliffy B appear in a similar Metal Gear Solid 4 skit.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: The season finales tend to have a more serious tone than the preceding episodes.
  • Cerebus Retcon: A few examples from Version 3:
    • Marcus's origin, which began as a throwaway gag in a deleted scene from Version 1, is fully explained in "Project Whoosh."
    • Tony, who killed Sean's girlfriend and told him to "Eat at Joe's!" in a flashback in "Poque," returns in "Delaware" to kill Sean, and is eventually revealed to be one of The Killers.
    • The bloody knife that appeared out of nowhere in "I Feel Asleep" was created by the Specter as a clue to how he died.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Garret makes several background appearances- most notably in Marcus's flashback- before revealing himself to be the leader of Falz.
  • The Cracker: Tr1gg3r S3r1ou5.
  • Character as Himself: Marcus.
  • Colliding Criminal Conspiracies: Falz reveals that they have had run-ins with a mysterious group of eight nigh-unstoppable assassins known only as The Killers. As it would turn out, both Lobo Fuerte and Tony were members of The Killers.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: The entire core cast qualifies, but special mention should go to Sean and Horatio, as seen in the finales to versions one and two.
  • The Danza: Rocko, Derek, and Sean.
  • Darker and Edgier: Version 3.
  • Development Hell: Version Three was supposed to be released winter of 2007. Its actual release date wound up being May 28, 2010.
  • Ear Worm: Madden's back, again, year 2012......
  • Embarrassing First Name: Dr. Poque's first name is eventually revealed to be Diarrhea.
  • Emergency Transformation: Marcus used to be human, but when he undertook Project Whoosh his body was vaporized by the Mega64 and his mind was trapped within a puppet.
  • The Faceless: The Specter.
  • Five-Man Band: The Mega64 crew fit into this.
    • The Hero: Rocco, credited as the creator of Mega64 and arguably the main character.
    • The Lancer: Derrick, the Deadpan Snarker of the group and co-creator.
    • The Big Guy/ The Smart Guy: Garrett, the biggest guy who also makes all the special effects.
    • The Chick: Shawn, usually the one to be offended by their jokes and tries to keep sanity on the podcast.
  • Gilligan Cut: A'la Family Guy, the skit shown at the Pre-E3 show had Raiden, after being suggested several job opportunities to get out of his four year unemployment, shows him bombing his assigned job in various ways. One was also shown of Jehuty in the ending of the skit, to which Jehuty accepts the job proposal, only for it to cut to him... Well, let's just say that there's a good reason why Jehuty should not be let anywhere near neighborhoods with children celebrating birthday parties.
  • Heroic Sociopath: Sean is perfectly willing to burn Lobo Fuerte alive.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Kyle Hebert plays a Falz member in Versions 1.
  • Killed Off for Real: Tr1gg3r S3r1ou5 and Dr. Poque.
  • Killer Robot: 2Poque.
  • Knight of Cerebus: John.
  • Let's Get Dangerous: Horatio in "Stranger," the Sombrero Guy in "Delaware."
  • Loads and Loads of Roles: Rocco plays Rocko and Poque, Derrick plays Derek and Horatio, Shawn plays Sean and Marcus, and Garrett plays Lobo Fuerte, Jessse, Frankie, and Garret, leader of FALZ. Besides those major roles, they all play many incidental characters both in and outside of the main series.
  • Love Makes You Evil: Every bad thing Marcus has done has been so he can get enough money to buy the girl he loves the Eiffel Tower.
  • Meaningful Name: The Specter's real name is Brian Specter.
  • Mind Screw: In the Hard Rain episode- as in the game, the guys are looking for Jason and one of them turns out to have been Jason all along.
    • You have earned a trophy. Find Jason (You were Jason)
  • Musical Episode: "Mega64!"
  • Muppet/LivingToy: Marcus. This is frequently acknowledged and eventually explained.
  • Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Lobo Fuerte.
  • Nebulous Evil Organisation
  • Nigh Invulnerability: Marcus is invincible, he got that way by getting splashed by chemicals from a truck.
  • Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: Sean.
  • No Indoor Voice: Marcus.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You: Tr1gg3r S3r1ou5 winds up helping Marcus save the rest of the Mega64 team in the Version Two finale because he wants to be the one to take Poque down.
  • Overly Long Gag: The first episode starts with Derek eating pudding for roughly two minutes. The Star Wars: The Force Unleashed skit also qualifies.
  • Painting the Fourth Wall: Rocko and Derek read The Messenger's subtitles.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: Marcus dons one to impersonate Poque in an episode of Version One. Unlike most examples, the person he's trying to fool has never met Poque before.
  • The Plan: Sean attempts one in an episode of Version One. It doesn't go over so well.
    • It turns out that the entire series and the online videos was one by Garret, the leader of Falz.
  • Psycho for Hire: Lobo Fuerte
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner: "My name is Diarrhea."
  • Redemption Equals Death: Dr. Poque gradually turns away from Falz to protect the "family" he's created, culminating in Delaware, where he gives his life to save his friends.
  • Shout-Out: Many, most of them to video games.
  • Spin-Off: Marcus's Corner, a talkshow featuring Marcus interviewing various prominent figures from the video game industry and answering fan emails.
  • Spirit Advisor: The Spectre.
  • Spooky Photographs: The photo that is printed from the Mega64 that shows Rocko and Derek over Poque's grave.
  • Start of Darkness: Version two's finale, "Stranger," shows how Poque became who he is today.
    • Marcus in "Project Woosh."
  • Sticky Fingers: Horatio tends to take anything that isn't nailed down. More often than not, it's stuff from Poque's room.
  • Stealth Pun: The Falz created game Down, Falz Down.
  • Stylistic Suck: Gamer Warz and Gamer Warz 2 are badly acted, horribly edited, annoyingly shot, the audio goes out of a synch and the second one goes on for 12 minutes. It's also hilarious.
  • Take That: Rocco made a parody of Linkara's infamous rant against his fans from one of his Power Rangers retrospectives.
    • The guys also mocked a now defunct game review show called Gamelife with Gamez Alive
  • Theme Music Power-Up: The non-instrumental version of "Sequence Erase" plays in the Version 1 finale when Rocko and Derek confront Poque for the first time. Later in Version 3, the portion of the song with lyrics plays when Sean escapes the facility and heads to the Falz headquarters.
  • Took a Level In Badass: Sean takes one in the Version 1 finale, and another in the Version 3 finale. The Specter is directly responsible for both of them.
  • Tragic Villain: Dr. Poque becomes this as more about his past is revealed.
  • True Companions: As time goes on, the core cast of six start to forge very close bonds, despite their situation.
  • The Verse: Several seemingly unrelated skits are canon in the Mega64 universe, including "The Blacks," "Backyard Messiahz," and "VGA Commercial #1."
  • Villain Song: Marcus's "I'm Gonna Be Rich" from Mega64!
  • Yeah! Shot: The end of the second episode.
  • You Killed My Father: Tr1gg3r S3r1ou5 tries to avenge his father Brian Specter, who was killed by Dr. Poque.
  • Wham! Episode: The season finales all tend to be these, but special note goes to "Delaware."