Anticlimax Boss: If you're expecting an epic battle with Wily after fighting your way through his mechanical legions, you'd best lower those expectations. He has two phases, both of which have him shooting at Mega Man with homing bullets that are easily led and played around... and that's it. Given how hellishly difficult much of his fortress is however, it's probably for the best.
Breather Boss: Bomb Man and Cut Man are both this. Their stages are probably the easiest in the game, and both aren't hard to read unlike the more unpredictable bosses (Looking at you, Elec Man!) Cut Man's weapon can be easily avoided, and Bomb Man actually follows a pattern by tossing easy to avoid bombs three times before jumping.
CWU-01P is leaps and bounds easier than anything you fight in the Wily stages, save from the good doctor himself.
Breather Level: Fittingly enough, Bomb Man and Cut Man's levels are just as easy as the bosses themselves. No Footholders, no Guts Lifts, no Yoku Blocks, just nice and simple platforming.
Wily Stage 3 is a short and simple stage lacking the tough platforming and tough bosses of other levels.
Demonic Spiders: BIG EYE. These things are huge, hit extremely hard, and take forever to kill with the Mega Buster. While you can just run under them when they jump, you can only do so if they do a high jump. Otherwise, they'll plow on through you with a low jump and take off a huge chunk of your health, and it's impossible to tell what jump they'll do until it's too late.
Ensemble Darkhorse: Guts Man is often considered the most iconic Robot Master from this game, if not the entire series. Not surprisingly, many people were pissed that he didn't make it into Dr. Wily's Revenge for the Game Boy (and, by extension, any of the Game Boy games). Heck, his popularity may have contributed to him being a Wily Castle boss in Mega Man 2 (As a tank) and in Mega Man 7 (Heavily modified and still tank-like), as well as a main character in the MegaMan Battle Network series.
Cut Man as well. He's just as iconic as Guts Man, and is remembered fondly for being most players' first Robot Master fight and an easy, yet fun opponent to ease you into the game. It's worth noting that he's appeared as a boss battle in one of the versions of Mega Man 8 as well as a secret boss in Mega Man X8.
Fake Difficulty: The game is tough, but a lot of it comes from this. Spikes ignore invincibility frames and kill you if you touch them no matter what, Footholders fly around at random and may never get close enough for you to jump on them (And will sometimes damage you and drop you to your death anyway), and the Wily stages are impossible to beat if you missed picking up the Magnet Beam in Elec Man's level.
Game Breaker: The Thunder Beam can practically be considered the Metal Blade's baby brother. It fires off three huge electric blasts that hit above, below, and in front of you, and is so ammo-efficient that you can pretty much substitute the Mega Buster with it and barely run out of ammo. And the cherry on top? Thanks to the infamous pause glitch, this baby can shred the dreaded Yellow Devil and the obnoxious Big Eye as if they were paper.
Goddamned Boss: If you don't think the Yellow Devil is hard, you WILL think he's annoying and tedious. His separate/reform attacks follow an obvious, easy to learn pattern meaning that players with good reflexes will never be hit, but unless you exploit the Thunder Beam + pause glitch, it takes forever to kill him since he spends most of the fight invulnerable to damage while his weak point is incredibly tiny.
Good Bad Bugs: The famous "Pause Trick" glitch, which allows you to rapidly pause the game while an attack like the Elec Beam is passing through an enemy, allowing them to take multiple bits of damage from the same shot. This is often used by gamers to beat the infamous Yellow Devil.
Scrappy Weapon: Surprisingly, the first game has better weapon balance than a few of its sequels, but the Hyper Bomb and Super Arm are still disappointments in an otherwise solid roster. It's not that they're bad per se since they can hit incredibly hard, but they're just too situational for their own good. You can't even use the Super Arm unless you're in a level with specific blocks it can throw, and when you are there's only a handful of blocks to throw around, none of which are in boss rooms save for the first fight with Cut Man. Meanwhile, the Hyper Bomb takes forever to blow up, making it useless against just about everyone save for the slow-moving Guts Man.
Seinfeld Is Unfunny: It's a good game and was revolutionary for its time, but it's overshadowed by just about every game that came after it due to how they improved the formula while polishing up this game's weak points.
That One Boss: Yellow Devil, Yellow Devil, YELLOW DEVIL. Many gamers throughout the years have never been able to conquer this infamously tough boss without exploiting the "Pause Trick" glitch.
Elec Man, Fire Man, and Ice Man become this if you fight them without their weaknesses. Elec Man is incredibly spastic and unpredictable, and his Thunder Beam has huge hitboxes and can kill you in three hits. Fire Man on the other hand simply blasts you with an onslaught of Fire Storm attacks that are hard to dodge due to their speed and size. And as for Ice Man, he goes to the Elec Man school of "Kills you in three hits" and is fought on icy ground which makes dodging his attacks harder.
That One Level: Iceman's stage, if you're doing it without the Magnet Beam. There's a large chasm you must cross on Foot Holders, moving platforms that drift back and forth at seemingly random intervals. In addition, they fire at you while this is going on and it's perfectly possible to fall right through one. And then about halfway across, penguins will start to Zerg Rush you. Without the Magnet Beam, it really starts to feel like a Luck-Based Mission.
Guts Man's stage is a toughie as well, mainly due to the Guts Lifts. They're platforms you have ride over bottomless pits, and they'll occasionally try to drop you at certain spots on their tracks. You're supposed to jump to survive the drops, but the timing is deceptively strict and if you fail, you drop like a stone and die almost instantly.
Wily stage 4 is another one, mainly for having an incredibly tough boss rush with Bomb Man, Fire Man, Ice Man, and Guts Man with no way to heal yourself in-between battles.