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Mega Man 10 Japanese Cover Art

The tenth entry of the Mega Man series.

In the year 20XX, an outbreak of a robotic-virus known as the "Roboenza" runs rampant across the globe. Roll becomes infected with the virus by the time she comes back from an errand, and the situation becomes worse as time passes and a cure is not found. Several robots become berserk and attack the city. One day, Dr. Wily appears in Dr. Light's lab with his capsule damaged and asks for help. Mega Man saves Wily from crashing and Wily says that Roboenza-infected robots attacked his spaceship and stole the parts to the of a medicine-making machine he had been working on to cure the virus. Mega Man agrees to retrieve the stolen parts from the eight Robot Masters for the sake of his sister and the other infectees. Before the Blue Bomber begins, Proto Man arrives to help Mega Man, believing the job to be too big for just one of them and the two join forces to acquire the cure. Meanwhile, Bass sets out on his own to challenge these new robots.

Robot Masters:

  • DWN-073: Blade Man, weak to Commando Bomb, gives Triple Blade
  • DWN-074: Pump Man, weak to Thunder Wool, gives Water Shield
  • DWN-075: Commando Man, weak to Wheel Cutter, gives Commando Bomb
  • DWN-076: Chill Man, weak to Solar Blaze, gives Chill Spike
  • DWN-077: Sheep Man, weak to Rebound Striker, gives Thunder Wool
  • DWN-078: Strike Man, weak to Triple Blade, gives the Rebound Striker
  • DWN-079: Nitro Man, weak to Chill Spike, gives the Wheel Cutter
  • DWN-080: Solar Man, weak to Water Shield, gives Solar Blaze

Do NOT confuse this with Mega Man X, which came out well before this game.


  • Advancing Boss of Doom: After the Blue Bomber makes his way through the second Wily Stage, a gargantuan crab robot will appear. It attacks by launching its claws which can be put out of commission, and gouging its eyes out is the way to defeat it.
  • Be the Ball: Strike Man can turn into a beach ball-like form and bounce around his room.
  • Blade Below the Shoulder: Blade Man wields a sword during his fight. He can swing it to launch lasers.
  • Bonus Boss: The Mega Man Killers. Not only that, but if you defeat them, Mega Man can use their weapons in the main game (sadly, Proto Man and Bass cannot).
  • Boss Arena Urgency: By taking squares from the room that it is fought in to construct a body that it can fight with, the third Fortress Boss creates some bottomless pits in its arena.
  • Bubble Gun: While its weapon cannot be obtained due to the fact that it is not a Robot Master, the second Fortress Boss can spit some bubbles out of its mouth.
  • Call Back: The Sequential Boss of the first Wily level is a series of capsules containing the powers of various robot masters from 1-9; Elec Man, Wood Man, Gemini Man, Ring Man, Napalm Man, Flame Man, Slash Man, Frost Man, and Tornado Man.
    • Meanwhile, the third Wily boss is a cross between the familiar Devil series of Wily bosses and the Pico-Pico boss from Mega Man 2.
  • Ceiling Cling: Blade Man can cling to his room's ceiling, in addition to its walls.
  • Chekhov's Gun: the prototype cure that Wily gave to Roll.
  • Cool Bike: Nitro Man rides a bike during his fight, and it can be worn like armour.
  • Deadly Disc: Wheel Cutters can puncture their targets. Commando Man takes more damage from being struck.
  • Death From Above: Thunder Wools launch thunderbolts downward, hitting potential targets at their spot on the X-axis directly below.
  • Dual Boss/SpotTheImpostor: the Final Boss, where there are two Wily Capsules, one piloted by the real Wily and the other a decoy.
  • Dynamic Entry: While most of the Robot Masters just drop down into the room before their pose, Nitro Man rides his bike into the room, then transforms it into his armour before his pose.
  • Eye Scream: The second Fortress Boss's weak point is its eyes. It takes more damage from a Commando Bomb's shockwave striking its eyes, but the player has to strike its oral area to exploit this. The third Fortress Boss is also hurt by shooting the eye, whether it has assembled its body or not, but here, Rebound Strikers and Thunder Wools are more effective.
  • Fire, Ice, Lightning: Solar Man, Chill Man, Sheep Man, respectively. Fire beats ice, but lightning is still two spots before fire in the weakness cycle unlike in the first RockMan X game as Pump Man is weak to Thunder Wools, which channel thunderbolts, and his own weapon deals more damage to Solar Man (the fire type).
  • Giant Enemy Crab: the second Fortress Boss.
  • Gretzky Has the Ball: Strike Man's level; a baseball-themed robot master, with stage enemies that utilize soccer balls and footballs as well.
  • Instant Plunder, Just Add Pirates: The Wily Machine of this game sports a pirate hat, for no other reason than Rule of Cool.
  • Foreshadowing: A subtle bit of this happens in the reveal to Wily's being behind the actual plot (sort of): When making his world takeover announcement, while laughing, he suddenly coughs before stating the people wouldn't understand. Turns out Wily himself had fallen ill with presumably influenza, which Mega Man, Bass, and/or Proto Man discovering this after besting Wily aboard his space station.
  • Last Day to Live: This is presumably the crux of Wily's latest plot, since when making his world domination speech he ends up coughing suddenly while meekly stating none will ever understand, which implies he was largely motivated in his recent world domination bid by his influenza. This might also explain his Pet the Dog moment in the ending where he created enough of the vaccine to cure all the robots prior to escaping the hospital.
  • Lava Pit: Solar Man has several in his level. Don't touch them unless you want to get deep-fried.
  • Logical Weakness:
    • Blade Man is weak to Commando Bombs. The logic behind this seems obscure for newcomers, until you realise that knights lost their advantage when gunpowder permeated armies.
    • Pump Man channels water through his body to form his Water Shield. Water is conductive, meaning Thunder Wools are his weakness due to their thunderbolts.
    • Chill Man is an ice-based robot, so the fiery Solar Blazes make sense for his weakness due to fire melting ice. Solar Blazes are also crippling to Chill Man due to their ability to destroy his spike traps.
    • Sheep Man is a double subversion. Sparks, lightning, and electricity are his chosen elemental power, but for some reason, Triple Blades are not his weakness despite their sharp nature. However, Rebound Strikers are weaponised rubber balls that can bounce around the room, and rubber is an insulator.
    • Strike Man is weak to Triple Blades due to his rubber ball motif. Sharp blades can trash rubber balls.
    • Why is Nitro Man weak to Chill Spikes? Firstly, spike strips can cause damage to vehicles, most likely by popping tires. Secondly, ice can cause vehicles to slip.
    • Solar Man is a fire-wielder who takes more damage from the Water Shield's water globules, as water puts out fire. The globules have to strike his body directly, however, but their influence can weaken his Solar Blazes.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: Commando Bombs are missiles that can be gained when Rock defeats Commando Man. Blade Man is weak to their blasts, and they also deal critical damage to Weapons Archive's Frost form, a reference to how Frost Man was weak to Flash Bombs in Metal Heroes!!.
  • Never Bring a Knife to A Gun Fight: More like "Never Bring a Sword to a Missile Fight," but Blade Man is a sword-wielding robot. His weakness is the explosions of the Commando Bombs.
  • Non-Indicative Name: Despite their name, Commando Bombs are technically missiles. However, they DO explode.
  • No Sontological Inertia: Only the Crab Puncher's eyes need to be destroyed, even if it has its claws intact, as the claws will be destroyed with the rest of the beast's body. Same goes for the Block Devil's body when it is in its eye laser phase.
  • Overly Long Gag: Mega Man's upwards trip towards Wily's Space Station.
  • Promoted to Playable: Proto Man is playable from the start this time, unlike Mega Man 9; this time, Bass, who was curiously absent in 9, is available via DLC. He plays virtually identical to how he did in Mega Man and Bass, only without the double-jump.
    • Bass wasn't completely gone from 9; he appears in the ending. Additionally, Word of God has it that Bass was undergoing adjustments at the time, possibly hinting to his DLC appearance in the next title.
  • Utility Weapon: Nitro Man's Wheel Cutter can be used to climb walls.
  • Wall Crawl: By driving it quickly, Nitro Man can climb walls with his bike. Also, his Wheel Cutters can help their wielders climb walls, and will even climb walls themselves; see Utility Weapon.