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  • Contested Sequel: Has its fans thanks to a wider selection of playable characters and a well-received difficulty curve that makes the most out of its selectable difficulties, but it has just as many detractors thanks to it being another retro retread that doesn't innovate beyond 9's gameplay.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Sheep Man! His weapon may suck, but his adorable and unique, out-of-the-box design still made him a hit with the fans.
    • Ditto for Nitro Man, mainly for the cool factor of being a Robot Master who fights you on a motorbike. He tends to pop up a lot in more recent fan games, either as a playable character or in a prominent role, such as Mega Man Rock Force and Make a Good Mega Man Level Contest 2.
  • Fanon: As far as fans are concerned, Roboenza being an early form of the Maverick Virus is practically canon.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: all that talk in the old days about Mega Man X being the 10th installment of the series, is a whole lot funnier now that's for sure.
  • Tear Jerker: Farewell to Ballade, the song it plays in the third special stage is surprisingly melancholy and sorrowful.
  • That One Boss: Blade Man is acrobatic, has a weapon with a wide spread, and can easily nullify the weapon he's weak to. To make a long story short, he is trouble.
    • The obligatory Devil fight in this game, the Block Devil, is one of the most devious Yellow Devil clones in the series. Why? His room has bottomless pits and uncomfortably small platforms to fight him on, making him one of the only Devils who can ONE HIT KILL YOU.
  • Vindicated by History: When he was first revealed, Sheep Man baffled and disgusted the fanbase who thought his existence was clear proof that Capcom was running out of ideas for Robot Masters, and his Thunder Wool weapon being terrible didn't help. But not only did his adorable design win people's love over time, but people caught on to it being a clever Philip K. Dick reference when paired with his electric powers and cyberspace-themed stage. Now, his design's praised for being unique and creative more than anything.