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  • American Kirby Is Hardcore: During the ending, Wily points out Mega Man is "Three Laws"-Compliant and cannot simply kill him. In the Japanese version Mega Man hesitates (as he probably deals with the Logic Bomb) and Wily escapes. In the North American version, he yells "I am more than a robot! Die Wily!", hesitates anyway, and Wily escapes.
  • Broken Base: Probably moreso than any other game in the main "Classic" series. About half of fans regard it as a worthwhile effort which attempted to address the Capcom Sequel Stagnation of the previous two entries, while the other half regard it as being the game which sent the Classic series down in flames until Mega Man 9 came along. However, overall reception became kinder as the years went by.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Bass. This game introduced him probably to get more girls playing, as he is Bishonen, the one thing that attracts girls to an otherwise targeted-to-boys game.
  • Fanon: It has no basis in canon, but most fans agree that Shade Man's weakness to the Wild Coil likely due to the springs possibly being made of silver, which vampires hate.
  • Good Bad Bugs: Many involve the Noise Crush. You can fire it then immediately slide into it, empowering the next blast. Normally you're supposed to bounce it off a wall first and catch the ricochet.
    • Turbo Man can be one shotted with the Noise Crush thanks to the door's position and scrolling properties. Fire it right in front of the door and slide through - it will move through the now open door and bounce off the walls at TM's head height. Turbo Man will die before he finishes his intro animation!
  • Memetic Loser: Some Robot Masters have sillier/less conventional designs than others, but poor Spring Man really takes the brunt of the fandom's mockery. Yeah, his springs are able to kill vampires and the irritating Wily Capsule, and having springs for limbs make for a surprisingly effective fighting style, but good luck telling that to the people asking why Wily hasn't made a Death Spike Man before making a robot made out of springs.
  • The Scrappy: Auto is a weird example in that he isn't particularly hated in most places. At worst most of his critics think his design clashes with Dr. Light's other creations but otherwise view him as an inoffensive addition to Mega Man's core cast whose shop and funny moments endear him to others. However, TV Tropes in particular hates the guy and any YMMV-related tropes dealing with Mega Man scrappies take potshots at him.
  • Scrappy Weapon: The Wild Coil isn't clearly labelled as an Anti-Air weapon [1], so no one understood why Mega Man would fire two springs everywhere. What kind of lame power is Springs, anyway? The power to kill vampires and Wily Capsules, apparently.
    • The coil could be made of silver, which vampires hate. No clue on how it beat Wily Capsules.
    • The Slash Claw suffers from massive Hitbox Dissonance, forcing you to reposition yourself differently against every enemy.
    • The Scorch Wheel is outclassed by Noise Crush in almost all aspects. If you're following weakness order you won't even have a boss to use it against. (Burst Man is easily defeated with the Mega Buster, and his reaction to the Scorch Wheel may make the fight even harder.)
  • That One Boss: Dr. Wily finally decided Authority Equals Asskicking and outfitted his Capsule with hard to dodge, insanely damaging attacks. You WILL use your E-tanks there, guaranteed.
  1. You can charge it and can aim it before firing, too bad you're not told about this in game