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Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here.
These are recommendations made by Tropers for Megamind fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.
You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. Refrain from posting Conversation in the Main Page though; that goes in the discussion page.
Authors, and Websites[]
The Megamind Livejournal Community
- For Totally Handsome Fans of the movie
General Fics[]
Stories focused on the family and the friendly relationships of the cast. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. Pretty much anything that isn't focused on romance.
Aftermath by b7-kerravon
- Recommended by zara2148
- Synopsis: "Megamind took a real pounding from Tighten in the last battle. Where does a blue alien go for emergency medical treatment? Can Metro City just 'forgive and forget' all his crimes after a single episode of redemption?"
- Comments: Picking up right before where the movie cuts away to the epilogue, this fic focuses on filling in the gap between the two... while doing oh so much more. The characters are vivid and spot-on, the medical explanations a textbook example of Shown Their Work, and the mystery surrounding Megamind's imprisonment is extremely compelling, becoming outright conspiratorial. Still a work in-progress, but DEFINITELY worth checking out.
Metro Cover by cgaussie01
- Recommended by Cyberania
- Synopsis: An Alternate Universe fic where Megamind got paroled from jail during his teen years and became videogame-obsessed, rock-loving nerd instead of a supervillain and ended up stuck in a dead-end job as a pencil-pusher in the eponymous insurance company. As every decent geek our blue alien (with Minion as his roommate) lives a decent life with the powers of take-away food and gaming consoles, until a new girl shows up in to the office one morning.
- Comments: The easiest way to describe this fic is that The Office and The Big Bang Theory meet Megamind. And it honestly works! The setting is more than just believeable: It isn't just a "what-if" situation, it is THE "what-if" situation. All the characters and their backgrounds are well-written and the plot works well with the setting. The sweet moments are truly sweet and happy, the sad ones almost heartbreaking, and the funny bits are amusing. Check it out, it's a great fic and worth every single minute of your time!
- A secondary recommendation from Screennameless: The characterizations are fantastic! Roxanne, Megamind, Minion, and Hal are all spot on with the movie. I especially love the development of Bernard, a One-Scene Wonder in the movie, into a Deadpan Snarker Sassy Gay Friend for Roxanne. He gains a personality, plot relevance, and an on-screen love interest all while staying faithful to what little was shown of him in the movie. My one complaint is that Metro Man, aka "Wayne," is somewhat villainized for plot's sake. Still, the plot is well-executed, so it's forgivable Character Derailment. Definitely a must-read fanfic. A word of warning, though: I found the author's extremely creative Bizarre Alien Biology interesting, but some may find it squicky.
Fight Smarter Not Harder by Earth Star
- Recommended by Mort08
- Synopsis: Hiccup goes to train to become stronger, only to receive advice from an unlikely source.
- Comments: A oneshot crossover with How to Train Your Dragon. Megamind and Minion accidentally end up in Berk and meet a pre-movie Hiccup, who has discovered the spare part their time machine needs to make the return trip. In an attempt to get it back, the ex-supervillain strikes up a conversation with the boy and...well...this is Megamind we're talking about. Bizarre premise aside, it's actually quite well done. Hiccup is a bit dull at points, but Megamind and Minion are both spot-on. And while most of the story features witty back-and-forths between the characters which result in near-criminal levels of humor, the true centerpiece of it is a conversation between Hiccup and Megamind which connects the two films in a surprisingly clever and heartwarming way and leaves the reader with the feeling that our two heroes are grateful for the encounter. All in all, a fun and enjoyable read for fans of both movies.
Rain on the Just by N.L. Rummi
- Recommended by alagaesian
- Synopsis: "Post-film. A former villain and a former hero each try to adapt to the new destinies they've chosen. It's not always easy...especially when a new danger threatens to blow everything apart."
- Comments: This story starts off a few months after the final battle with Tighten, when Megamind is an established hero and Music Man is starting to regret his self-imposed exhile. The writing is very clear and professional. The dialogue is engaging and downright hilarious at times. N.L. Rummi does a very good job of staying true to the characters and making their interactions realistic and enjoyable. There is a good deal of suspense and a powerful Tear Jerker at the end of chapter ten, so make sure you have some time to burn before you sit down to read this. You might look up at the clock to discover two hours have gone by.
Shipping Fics[]
Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast.
Honesty by saltintheoven
- Recommended by Gataling
- Synopsis: "Just drama and fluff, that's all. A fanfic to slyly slip in between the battle and the final party scene."
- Comments: A sweet, believable little oneshot that deals with the aftermath of the movie's final fight, and the remaining tensions between Roxanne and Megamind.
Damsel by Grandiose Me
- Recommended by Gataling
- Synopsis: "Roxanne had thought, after the Titan Incident was done and over, that she was finished with that whole 'getting kidnapped' thing."
- Comments: This story takes up the task of subverting Roxanne's role as the perpetual damsel in distress, making her only mildly OOC in the process. Everyone else is perfectly in character, and the whole thing is engaging and well written.
Nude On The Moon by Ninnik Nishukan
- Recommended by Gataling
- Synopsis: "Her boyfriend is an alien. This may or may not be a big problem. Mature subjects, nothing too explicit. Spoilers, ahoy!"
- Comments: Quite possibly the best fic to turn up for the fandom so far. Roxanne has concerns about her and Megamind's... compatibility. Crowning Moment of Heartwarming ensues.
Me, the Night, and You by The Croc Shop
- Recommended by Gataling
- Synopsis: "Post-film. Roxanne Ritchi brings down a baddie, brews coffee, and gets laid."
- Comments: Very fun fic with a fair share of adult content. Well written, keeps everyone in character, and ends up very sweet at the finish.
Crossover Fics[]
Stories that cross this franchise with other franchises. Justice for all by Star Vix
- Recommended by Edokage
- Synopsis: Megamind joins the Justice League after becoming a hero. Better Than It Sounds.