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 Megamind: In case you haven't noticed, you've fallen right into my trap!

Metro Man: You can't trap justice! It's an idea, a BELIEF!

Megamind: Even the most heartfelt belief can be corroded over time!

Metro Man: Justice is a non-corrosive metal!

Megamind: But metals can be melted, by the heat of re-vahnge!

Metro Man: It's revenge, and it's best served cold!

Megamind: But it can be easily reheated, in the microwave of evil!

Metro Man: Well, I think your warranty's about to expire!

Megamind: Maybe I got an extended warranty!

Metro Man: Warranties are invalid, if you don't use the product for its intended purpose!

Roxanne: Girls, girls, you're both pretty! Can I go home now?

  • Roxanne's been kidnapped enough to be completely familiar with all of Megamind's deathtraps. Well, the "spee-yiy-dorr" is new.
  • There's also her request to have her "frequent kidnap victim card" stamped. Megamind insists that they discontinued that promotion.
  • Megamind gets booed by the audience and what's his response? "Booooo! Yes, I can play along, too!"
  • Roxanne also has one when she finds out Metro Man is alive and won't stop Titan:

 Roxanne: I say we get a bunch of ray guns, turn 'em sideways and just go all gangsta on him.

  • "Use the forget-me-stick!" "Oh, right." (WHACK!)
  • "Good luck, fellas!" "We're gonna die!"
    • Plus the Warden's little "well... yeah." nod.
  • "I'm not allowed to insult guests directly." Oh, Bernard.
  • Megamind, in disguise as Space Dad, gives Hal his superhero suit.

 Megamind: You shall be called... Titan!

Hal: Why Titan?

Megamind: It was the only name I could trademark.

  • Any time Space Dad opens his mouth.

  "Unfafomble... unfaf... without fathom"

  • When Titan rips the door off the invisible car, Megamind hides by grabbing onto it. When it becomes visible, Titan notices Megamind on it through the door window. Megamind's nervous laugh and expression as he pointlessly clicks the lock on the door is just great.
    • Well, really any of Megamind's expressions are fine examples.
      • Agreed! Another mention should go to his particularly epic Oh Crap face after Roxanne explains how she found his hideout.
  • One of the greatest ironies in the entire film comes after Titan learns that Space Dad had really been Megamind under a holographic disguise the entire time. Titan is furious, not only for Megamind deceiving him, but for also deceiving Space Step Mom.
  • When Roxanne blows a dangling spider into Megamind's eye, and Minion tries to help by punching him in the face, and then stomps on his head.
  • When Megamind and Roxanne are investigating the school.

 Roxanne: There are ice cubes in this glass.

Megamind: Yes, that's what happens when water gets cold.

    • Not to mention Metro Man coming in behind them, eating a sandwich and silently freaking out as they continue to remark on the state of the ice. Their reaction to turning around and seeing him is priceless.
    • Megamind's reaction, complete with Puppy Dog Eyes:

 Megamind: Are you a ghost... ?

  • The entire scene where Roxanne infiltrates Megamind's lair.
    • Special mention goes to when Roxie finds the secret entrance: a doormat labeled "Secret Entrance", courtesy of Minion.

 Megamind: Minion!

Minion: (meekly) I kept forgetting where it was.

    • Another special mention to "Bernard" fighting Megamind.
  • When Megamind enters upon City Hall as AC/DC's Highway to Hell is playing... he orders Minion to cut the music... and Minnie Ripperton's Loving You starts playing!
  • When Titan tells Roxanne that she lives in a fantasy world and tells her that she shouldn't believe in things like justice, because they are as real as the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and the Queen of England.
  • Also, this exchange between Roxanne and Megamind when Megamind is fighting Titan

 Roxanne: Remember the night I dumped you?

Megamind:You're bringing this up now?

  • "The sun is warming up?!"
  • The entire opening.
  • Minion Faking the Dead for a dramatic death scene. Made utterly hilarious by Megamind's utter nonchalance.
  • Any of the dancing scenes.
  • This exchange:

 Megamind, Pretending to be Bernard: "I was just yelling at... my mother's... urn."

Roxanne: "Well, hurry up."

    • This cracks me up every time.
  • And when Megamind/Bernard asks if Roxanne would still like him if he (just as a random example) was bald and had the complexion of a 'popular primary color'. Roxanne's response?

 Roxanne: "You don't judge people based on how they look."

Megamind: (Adopts a look of relief.)

Roxanne: "You judge them by their actions."

Megamind: (Look of relief vanishes as the implications of that sink in.) "...Well that seems kind of petty."

  • Musicman. "I have eyes, that can see, right through leeeeeaaaaad."
  • Black Mamba. Complete with a fanfare reeking with What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?.
  • OW, my giant blue head!
  • When they go to find clues at Metroman's hideout, they find all the things he kept, and Megamind eyes one of the old capes.

 Roxanne: Hey, come over and look at this!

Megamind: (comes crashing in from the right and springs back up, wearing the white and gold cape) What is it? What did you find?

Roxanne: (wearing the quintessential "wtf" face) Um...

  • "Okay, Minion! You were right! I was...less right!"
  • Megamind fighting Titan for the first time

 Megamind: Now that's the spirit! Parry. Thrust. Parry again. Now it's time for some witty back-and-forth banter. You go first.


Megamind: Okay, look, I'm not sure where to go with that.

  • "I wouldn't stay for more than 2 minutes 37 seconds if I were you! We're having the walls and ceiling removed!"
  • The after-credits sequence. The dehydrated Bernard pops out of the washing machine and Minion just responds by admonishing Megamind:

 Minion: Sir, you really need to clean out your pockets more often!


 Megamind: Oh no I'm going to crash! Ahh! ['Drives' the car into the reflecting pool outside City Hall] Glub glub glub!

  • Megamind "losing his cool" while the Metroman Museum is blowing up behind him.

 Megamind: Aaaah! Oh! I'm too close! I'm genuinely scared right now! Oh! I hope no one can see this! Aah!

  • "I'm in a heated existential discussion with this dead-eyed plastic desk toy!"
  • The entire press-conference after Megamind vanquishes Metroman, which opens with a stubborn sound system insisting on playing "Loving You" to Megamind pretty much admitting that he's got no clue what he's doing:

 Roxanne: I'm sure we'd all like to know what you plan to do with us and this city!

Megamind: Good question... glad you asked that. Imagine... the most horrible, terrifying, evil thing you can think of. And multiply it — by six! In the mean time, I want you to carry on with the dreary, normal things that people do. Let's just have fun with this, come on! And I will get back to you!

  • Minion, upon being asked if he ever imagined the day Megamind won:

 Minion: No way. Not at all, sir. Never. Never in a million years. [Notices Megamind's glare] I mean... yes! I did!

  • When Megamind is riding his bike, it has stabilsers. Simple, but very funny.
  • When Megamind, disguised as Bernard, is trying to get Roxanne out of his lair.

 Megamind: How about this one? This looks exciting!

Roxanne: Bernard, it says "Exit."

Megamind: ...Which is short for "Exciting!"

    • Later, Roxanne tries to leave through the door. It leads to a pit with alligators, squeaky toys, dance music, and a disco ball.

 Roxanne: Bernard! You were right about that room being exciting!

    • Megamind being forced to blow up his brain bots with dynamite:

 [loud whisper] Daddy's sorry!

  • When Megamind is trying to intimidate Roxanne with his various traps/devices, he eventually ends up spinning a wheel whilst exclaiming "What does this thing do?!"
  • This exchange during Megamind and Minion's "break up scene":

 Minion: Well, good luck with your date!

Megamind: I will!

Minion: That doesn't even make any sense!

Megamind: I know... !

  • I always found Hal/"Titan"'s very first training session to be incredibly hilarious, even if it is foreshadowing.
  • This troper can't be the only one who had a good chuckle during the scene where Megamind announces his not-quite-plan for Metro City, and a good chunk of the attendees are recording the whole thing on their camera phones.
  • Minion's perfect girly scream after Megamind says "Maybe I don't want to be the bad guy!"

 Minion: (thunderstruck) ... who ARE you?!

  • Roxanne and Megamind are both talking to Metroman's statue.

 Roxanne: Evil is running rampant through the streets.

Megamind: I am so tired of running rampant through the streets!


 Megamind: [exasperated] Minion, if I live, I will kill you.


 Roxanne: (throws a trophy at Metro Man) How could you do this?! (smashes a guitar on his head) The people of this city relied on you and you deserted them! (throws an amplifier at him) You left us in the hands of - of - him! (indicates Megamind, then hastily turns to him and adds) No offense.

Megamind: (hastily) No, I'm with you.
