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At some unseen point Megamind Killed people horribly[]
Lets Face it cutesy cartoon universe or not no one gets sentenced to 88 consecutive life sentences without doing something beyond the Moral Event Horizon at some point. Megamind must have before the start of the films story HAD to have genuinely killed whether or not it was intentional a large amount of of Metro Cities populace in a horrific and torturous fashion (thus the need for the extra life sentences).
Or at some point Megamind did/committed a crime SO Horribly WRONG that Metro Man had to erase Megamind's well..mind and personality of the horrific event ala Dr. Light (thus explaining his Affable Evilness), However he simply accepted his 88 Life sentences because
- Jail has always been his home since nearly birth.
- Since Megamind has always perceived himself as a genuinely evil figure so regardless of whether he remembered what he had done or not he easily accepted his punishment.
- There is actually a discussion about this in Fridge, under Fridge Horror. The point is that, depending on Metro City's laws, it is entirely possible for Megamind to have accrued 88 life sentences without having done anything overly horrific - kidnapping can be a life-sentence crime, and Roxanne has certainly been kidnapped a lot. Add to that many charges of attempted murder, and repeatedly breaking out of prison. Plus, unrepentant repeat offenders tend to get longer sentences. Megamind might never have done anything that he can be executed for (either because Metro City doesn't do executions or because he simply doesn't do that sort of bad thing), so all Metro City can do is keep piling up those senteces...
- At the beginning of the film he was serving 85 life sentences. Apparently killing Metro Man was worth 3.
- This troper always assumed that he had killed a few people, at least. Sure, he had just killed Metro Man, but an entire wall of people with guns shouldn't have just dropped their weapons when he was taking over the city hall. Yes, he had his robots and a light show, but he didn't have any known protection against bullets and his robots are easy to take out. Presumably, he has demonstrated that he will kill non-heroes in the past, and he seemed very jumpy with his gun when people started closing in on him later in the movie. It was just luck that he was using a probably non-lethal weapon and had someone to calm him
Roxie is/was a supervillain herself.[]
In the trailer she's apparently familiar with every possible death-trap, nonchalantly saying they're garish, lame, juvenile, "seen it..." That and it would be freaking awesome.
- While this would be an awesome WMG, she probably knows all about deathtraps due to being kidnapped (and rescued) more times than Princess Peach.
Minion will die at some point to show how serious the situation is.[]
C'mon, cute animal(ish) best friend? Movie about redemption? They will make us cry and we will love every minute of it.
- You realized it's a Dreamworks production, don't you?
- Yeeeees, just because it's Dreamworks doesn't mean they can't have emotional drama. They have been getting better in recent years.
- This is plausible, because the minions in Despicable Me never died, and the makers of this film could've decided to make the movie Darker and Edgier than Despicable Me.
- Actually it seems like this near the end but it just turns out that Minion is a drama queen.
- And it makes sense, since only his suit was damaged. The guy is still just a FISH.
- ^^^ Actually, his water-helmet also took a lot of damage, to the point of all the water draining from it. Considering that he is a fish, he actually was in danger of dying for a while.
- He's an alien fish-like thing. For all we know, he's perfectly fine out of water but simply prefers it for comfort.
- He has no problem talking without water, which means he can breathe just fine.
When Megamind's parents told him he was "destined for greatness..."[]
...they'd meant he'd be a great hero.
- Indeed. According to the extended trailer, Minion was supposed to be his sidekick.
- Interestingly, in the actual film, you never actually hear his father say anything except that he has a destiny.
- It sounded like "greatness" to me. Or at least, great something. It was just a little muffled.
- Interestingly, in the actual film, you never actually hear his father say anything except that he has a destiny.
Megamind will end up turning Roxy into an alien like him.[]
Megamind's the last of his kind and there is some interesing chemistry between the two. Not only that but Megamind had given super powers to a human. Genetic tinkering is not beyond his abilities.
- The gun glowed again after he drain Metro Man's powers, from Hal, maybe he'll give them to Roxy!
- This troper was thinking the same thing regarding giving Roxy powers. Hell, he might even be able to both turn her into an alien like him AND give her Metro Man's powers!
Dreamworks is holding a supervillain[]
Seriously, who the hell would leak so much of the movie in its own trailers?!?
- You may be on to something, although it may be "group of supervillains" instead. The Wii game plugs being a sequel and introducing the "Doom Syndicate".
Megamind is a prequel to Monsters vs. Aliens...[]
...and it was Galaxhar who caused that black hole. He might have been an alien minion race of a different clade than minion.
- Also Minion resembles RO-man from robot monster a bit
- The whole Shared Universe theory for these films holds a lot of water. They both serve as an Affectionate Parody on Silver Age entertainment, monster flicks and comics respectively. They share similar design concepts and seem to obey the same general rules. Maybe DreamWorks plans to do a crossover film in the future?
Metroman knew Megamind would become a hero.[]
It's interesting to note that Megamind never intended to hurt anyone - save Metro Man. It's not out of left field that Metro Man noticed this. Could his retirement have been a Xanatos Roulette to allow him to retire and force Megamind into being a hero? It's probably not lost on him that he's partially responsible for pushing him into being a villain by constantly making him a Butt Monkey when they were young. At the end, Metro Man seems like a proud parent.
Megamind would have turned Roxie into Titan if everything had gone according to plan.[]
She's the obvious choice; do-gooding, willing to snark with him, focused on stopping him, knows him as well (maybe better, even before they started dating) than Metroman did... and she's also the only person (aside from Minion, who obviously isn't an option) that he knows well enough to accurately judge whether they'd be a good hero or not.
- I'm pretty sure that was obvious. Not really a WMG so much as an in-universe What Could Have Been.
- And she would provide the same amount of Foe Yay.
Megamind is still serving time for his time as a supervillain[]
He's doing community service now. Being a superhero.
- He's also still imprisoned; not only does he have eighty-eight consecutive life-sentences to serve, but it's also the only place he'd ever truly consider to be home. Key thing is, however, it's still a Cardboard Prison, meaning he can still break out whenever he wants or needs to (and given his Heel Face Turn the authorities are more inclined to look the other way / make things easier for him to do so); he just breaks out to do good instead of evil this time.
If anyone ever asked Megamind would say that he's still a supervillain after the events of the movie, even if for all intents and purposes he's acting in a heroic way.[]
It just happens that with the hero gone the only thing around for him to fight are those uppity, unstylish, not-super villains who think they can get away with committing crimes on his turf.
- Given that Megamind doesn't appear to have changed his stylings at all during the dedication of the Megamind Museum at the end of the film, the above seems a fairly safe bet, though this troper thought of it more along the lines of him being a hero with his former villanous persona's M.O. (meaning cunning on-the-fly Indy Ploys, convoluted schemes and traps (should another villian happen to show up in the future), lots and lots of black leather and so on), which really is pretty much the same thing when you think about it, just with a more positive "spin".
Metro Man isn't retired for good.[]
He's said that he was burnout from fighting Megamind over and over again, and that's he's tired of being the person society wants him to be, that doesn't mean he'll never superhero again, teaming with Megamind will be a new experience and if he finds out that he wants to help people for himself, he'd probably get back into it. And it's way to cool to not happen, or course...what could stop them?
The film takes place in an Alternate Universe, less Crapsack World version of Dr. Horrible[]
Come on. A highly-intelligent supervillain who also happens to be a complete loser? A Smug Super nemesis only not really? A Heterosexual Life Partner minion? Come on, don't tell me you don't see it.
- The timing's even right. Somebody at Dreamworks saw DH back in 2008, and decided to make a pure comedy version of the rip-your-heart-out-and-stomp-on-it Joss Whedon tragicomedy.
Hal bears resemblance to Will Farell. Plus: Spinoff Imminent?[]
Planing Epileptic Trees here, but perhaps they had originally planned to cast Robert Downey Jr as Megamind and Will Farell as Hal/Titan/Tighten?
Also the Wii games mentioned a new league of evil called the Doom Syndicate and a Mega Team with one of the screenshots showing Metro Man, Megamind, Minion and even Hal fighting side by side, and supposedly picks up where the movie left off. Smells like a pitch for a CGI animated series to me. It might work~ in wake of the new threat, Megamind forms a justice league and gives the powers extracted from Metro Man to Roxie, and Metro Man comes out of retirement and hiding to join the league (After all, for once he'll be facing a different adversary). In the meantime, Hal gets broken out of prison and is recruited by Doom Syndicate which is in fact a front for Galaxhar's attempt to invade the planet, and is granted superpowers and transformed back to Tighten as Galaxhar is impressed by the wanton destruction Hal has caused in the movie. Tighten proceeds to be the Monster of the Week of the first episode until he finds Galaxhar's true motives for invading and Galaxhar's plans for him once he's outlived his usefulness. Tighten then does a Heel Face Turn for good and defects to the Mega Team. If they want to include a B-Plot, it could involve the public's reaction to Metro Man's relevation that he's alive, and subsequently their distrust in him for abandoning them and thus Metro Man has to not only re-earn the confidence of the public, but make them understand that even superheroes need time out.
Nah, too cliche...
Megamind is a Genius: The Transgression[]
Either a Grimm or a Neid.
Megamind and Metroman's home planets were Kakrafoon Kappa and Kakrafoon Iota, respectively[]
Megamind bears a STRIKING resemblance to the Belecerebons of Kakrafoon Kappa mentioned by the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy voice over in the BBC Television series episode six. Metroman's planet being the next orbit nearer to the star, he must be from Kakrafoon Iota. I guess they didn't like the Disaster Area concert. Which also explains Megamind's love of heavy metal.
Hal is Snotty Boy from Barnyard[]
Just take a look at the physical similarities alone: Mess, weird shaped hair, complete with near spaghetti-like thickness, bulbous nose, close eyes, malshaped teeth. Then there's the attitudes: Rude, cocky, and selfish. If you just have Hal call everyone stupid, they'd be a perfect match. Maybe Snotty Boy grew up the jerk he is, continued to be dumped, lost a little weight, and went into the camera profession just because it is connected to television, and it's the only position a person like him could obtain in the field.
- I knew he reminded me of someone!
Megamind is autistic[]
Well, why do you think he says "Metrocity" instead of "Metro City" and "olo" instead of "hello"?
- Metrocity as a reference to monstrosity/atrocity, and 'olo' because no one has ever called him before.
- Add to that, he's quite isolated and never really interacts with others, making him naive to the ways of the world, which how most autistics are. And that he can build a ton of complex contrapions, which I can presume that he imagines all in his head. He's also a bit anti-social with others (Mostly seen through Bernard)
- I was thinking more of a speech impairment, but autism is also an option. Not to mention that when the crowd tried to get near him, he got out his gun and started to threaten at everyone like they were going to hurt him.
- They had only known him as a supervillain up until then. He might not have realized he was being forgiven. I think he just has impaired social skills, he seems to have spent most of his life with minimal human(figuratively speaking) contact besides Minion and Metro Man.
- To all of the above: no. He's simply someone who reads his brain out and doesn't ever actually use the words in conversations (seeing as he doesn't really ever TALK to anyone). This troper is not autistic, and yet after twenty four years she can't seem to wrap her mind around the fact that "forage" does not rhyme with "garage".
- And as to why he doesn't pronounce Metro City correctly even after being corrected countless times - it's probably habit, or stubbornness.
- The above point has merit. Note that when he and Roxie are exchanging things they've never told anyone else, he catches himself as he starts to say "shul", and instead says "school" quite clearly. He knows the right way to say things, he just says them the wrong way to ham it up, to the point where it is now habit. This habit is shown when he nearly says "shul" to Roxie, and then again when he does says "Metrocity" to Titan.
- And as to why he doesn't pronounce Metro City correctly even after being corrected countless times - it's probably habit, or stubbornness.
- Also consider that Metro Man stole the school away for the "good" kids before Megamind got to graduate. He may not have gotten to learn some pronunciations. (Probably unrelated, but this Troper is slightly autistic, has an autismdar for fictional characters, and didn't pick up any vibes from Megamind whatsoever.)
- That's a well made point, as a fellow autistic there's not too much in there. Speaking of which, what other fictional characters set off your "Autismdar"?
Metro Man's super-speed causes him to age comparatively faster[]
Metro Man looks physically older than Megamind, by the end of the film, and also seems comparatively more mature. If he ages according to his personal speed, not the world's speed, that would explain why he goes from being the jerky-kid to the more mature adult in what seems like a very short time.
- Just a reminder: He's also an alien
Megamind and Metroman are the princes of their home planets[]
...hence why they are the only two people put into the (presumably, proto-type) pods. Metro Man's planet was richer, which is why his was better built.
- That, and it's a shameless Take That at Superman, who is apparently the one person worth getting to safety on his entire planet.
- More like the only one with a parent who actually believed that the world was coming to an end... and happened to be an engineer capable of creating a prototype escape vehicle that just so happened to fit one Kryptonian infant. It's entirely possible that neither of their planets saw the black hole coming, or something prevented them from leaving en masse.
Megamind was in love with Roxanne long before the events of the movie[]
...and he just wasn't aware of it. He always kidnapped her partly because she would be the perfect bait for Metro Man (as his rumored girlfriend) and partly because he wanted to be around her. At one point Minion mentions to Megamind how kidnapping Roxanne always cheers him up. His scowling "let's call your boyfriend" could contain a hint of jealousy, perhaps?
- The commentary track on the DVD confirms this.
- Note also when Minion suggests they kidnap Roxanne again because it always cheers him up, Megamind's face for a moment just lights up before he realizes that, without Metro Man, he has no reason to.
Metroman didn't save the city when Megamind and Roxie asked him to because of more than just his dislike of being a superhero.[]
As well as not wanting to be a superhero any more, Metroman could guess that whatever created Titan was more than likely Megamind's work. He wanted Megamind to clean up his own mess- if Metroman had just stepped in and stopped it, where would that leave Megamind(or Metroman himself)? Megamind needed to fix the problem he created by himself, or he'd never become the hero Metroman saw he could be.
Metro Man's real name is Mr. Goody Twoshoes. Megamind's real name is Buddy.[]
They knew each other since childhood, and even went to school together. Megamind explicitly states that they chose their own monikers, but not until they had fallen into the roles of Hero and Villain. Since they've known each other all their lives, it makes sense that they'd know each others real names (or at least those given by their adoptive parents). Yet Megamind keeps calling Metro Man "Mr Goody Twoshoes", and Metro Man calls Megamind "Little Buddy". So it follows that maybe those are their names. Sort of like how in Kill Bill, we think Bill keeps calling The Bride "Kiddo" as an affectionate nickname, but it turns out to actually be her last name.
- Seems like a lot of people are accepting 'Wayne Scott' as Metroman's real name but mostly don't have any idea about Megamind's. Personally, I love the idea of his real name being Buddy and it makes sense, in a way. I mean, he would have been named by the criminals who raised him, right? Maybe they nicknamed him Buddy (while thinking of a proper name?) and over time that just became his name. Or maybe he would only respond to Buddy?
- 'Wayne Scott' was Metroman/Uberman's real name in the original 'Mastermind' screenplay, and given that his parents are still credited as 'Lord and Lady Scott' in the film's credits, it's not too much of a stretch that the name was kept. Megamind/Mastermind's real name in the screenplay was 'Bubsy'.
- Which is also a very named-by-criminals sounding name. Though I prefer Buddy.
- 'Wayne Scott' was Metroman/Uberman's real name in the original 'Mastermind' screenplay, and given that his parents are still credited as 'Lord and Lady Scott' in the film's credits, it's not too much of a stretch that the name was kept. Megamind/Mastermind's real name in the screenplay was 'Bubsy'.
- Since the criminals seem to treat Megamind like a pet or a nephew in the begining Little Buddy makes sence as his earth given name. Don't know why Metromans mother would name him Mr. Goody Two shoes. Note Megamind might know his given name from home.
- But Buddy is already a supervillain's given name...
Mega Minds real name is Sir.[]
The one "person" who would know his real name always calls him Sir.
Metroman's plan was to defeat Megamind by turning him into a hero .[]
Metroman's retirement was a Xanatos Roulette carefully designed to show Megamind that even if he were to succeed at villainy like he thought he wanted, it would be Lonely At the Top and boring, causing him to search for answers like Metroman himself did. At the end he seems to acknowledge or at least tease this idea, when he stands proudly disguised in the crowd remarking "Way to go, Little Buddy."
Metro City is the last city on Earth.[]
After becoming ruler of Metro City, Megamind doesn't even consider taking over the rest of the world, which seems like the most obvious next step. Surely fighting against all of the world's armed forces at once would be as great a challenge, if not greater, than fighting Metroman. The whole city seems to be on a giant island, and the only country we hear about outside of Metro City is Romania. Why? Because Metro City is practically all that's left. Something bad happened to the rest of the world- war, plague, flood, alien invasion- something that rendered almost all of the world uninhabitable, and thus Metro City is the only thing left worth defending. It also explains why Megamind doesn't just try to take over another city: because there are no other cities to take over.
- Although a newscaster says that citizens are 'fleeing the city in a mass exodus' before the final showdown with Titan.
Metroman's spaceship turned out better because his parents had more relative time to work on it via superspeed.[]
- I don't know about this one. If Metro Man was a parody of Superman, he and his race would not have had super speed on their homeworld, only on Earth.
Minion was a fish because Megamind's parents thought he would land in the water.[]
Megamind is his species' equivalent of a teenager.[]
- His parents look older in his flashback than he does in the story.
- Also part of why human teenagers act the way they do is because their brains are still developing, Megamind's bigger brain would take longer to become like an adults and so he'd at least act more immature for longer than a human and maybe Metro Man.
What Megamind's parents were telling him[]
- They weren't telling him to become a villain or a hero - they were telling him to make up his own path.
- In the trailer he was destined for greatness, although it turned out differently in the movie.
- They could have told him he was destined for earth.
Megamind's race kidnapped humans and did experiments on them.[]
Part of the reason Megamind has a crush on Roxy at is she looks a little like his species.[]
Minion encourages Megamind to keep people out and encourages his supervillian defence.[]
I'm partly thinking about how he seems to keep trying to get Megamind to give up on Roxanne and refuses to let him have the invisable car. He sees a patern Megamind tries to get friends he gets hurt, and Minions only purpose in life is to protect Megamind.
Metro Man will still be a superhero sometimes[]
Just not a flashy one. He'll go around in that low key trenchcoat ensemble and beat muggers up in dark alleys, but never take the spotlight or any type of credit.
- So Metro Man is going from Superman to The Question?
Titan vs. Tighten[]
- Titan=Giant (a morally "big" person).
- Tighten=To constrict (iron-fisted rule).
It's not Rouge Angles of Satin, it's a consious choice.
Megamind is a metaphor for the history of Comic books[]
- His origin is along the lines of a Golden Age superhero's origin, complete with rival since childhood (a la Superman and Lex Luthor)
- He then begins to develop all sorts of strange gadgets and odd technology, just like the Silver Age heroes did (Batman's gadgets anyone?)
- Then, the original hero is replaced with a new one as a Bronze Age arc (just like the original X-men team did in 1975)
- Next, this new hero turns out evil and spends his time running around as a anti hero and then full on villain, leading to a Dark Age
- Finally, Megamind defeats the dark age character and saves the day, creating a new optimistic view, like the Modern Age.
The titular character is supposed to represent people with a mental disability.[]
As a teenaged girl with Asperger's Syndrome, I was surprised at how much I could feel like I could relate to Megamind much more than your typical protagonist-- a hard time learning, making new friends, expressing my feelings, etc. This can be justified by the fact that people have described having autism as 'an alien in a different planet'. Not to mention that, as he grew up, that's when he realized he could be as creative and talented as his opponent.
Megamind would be (or possibly is) an awesome cook.[]
There's scant evidence for it in the film, which is why I'm thinking of writing a fanfic short for it. But consider the type of restaurant Megamind took Roxanne to... and how he actually seemed to be reasonably in his element there (no "which fork do I use," perfect composure over sharing a glass of wine). A guy who devours learning from written sources would be in his element with cookbooks. Now consider the traits that make a talented chef: timing, multitasking, an attention to detail, a flair for color and contrast and design - presentation!
Megamind is performing community service at the end of the movie[]
In order to work off those 88 life-sentences Megamind is saddled with, and to allow him to remain as the city's new superhero, it was decided that his new superhero duties would be considered community service.
Megamind and Metro Man's planets were at war[]
That's what I thought when I saw the two planets apparently wiping each other out - so I assumed that they were at war with each other, and then they wiped each other out in their battles (they both got sucked into a black hole). Neither was especially heroic or villainous.
The hero/villain dynamic was supposed to be in reverse.[]
Megamind was supposed to be the hero, destined to champion the earth with his supreme intellect. Metroman, a Flying Brick, was sent to destroy Earth. Metroman was raised by a rich family and became a superhero. Megamind was raised by prisoners and became a supervillain.
- Or...
Metroman and Megamind were supposed to be a team.[]
Metroman got the brawn, and Megamind had the superior intellect. Alone they could only do so much, so they were to be a crime-fighting team--with Megamind coming up with genius tactics and cool gadgets, and Metroman beating the crap out of villains.
- OR...
Both parents wanted their kids to be heroes[]
They were competing as planets (as is seen in the war theory) so they sent their kids to a planet where they'd be heroes. It just so happened that Metro Man won that time.
- OR...
Metro Man's ride was programmed to save Megamind from becoming a danger to the world[]
While Megamind landed in the prison and Metro Man landed in the wealthy home, Megamind gets the attentive, doting family who definitely encouraged his brilliance (even if for negative uses), but at the same time a 'father' (the Warden) who was big on discipline. Metro Man on the other hand got parents who were more distant emotionally - indeed, he does seem less enthusiastic, and he gives up on the hero gig first. If it had been reversed, Megamind could have ended up with Issues that, knowing Comic Book tropes, could have made him a much more dangerous supervillain.
- The discipline thing is important - Megamind may be Genre Savvy but he's also pretty conservative in how he uses his inventions, and there's little collatoral damage. And if you're thinking 'because it's a kid's film' remember how much Titan destroys in comparison.