The cover
Memory's Note is an alternate universe Kill la Kill fic.
Some years ago, Ryuuko was left on the doorstep of the Mankanshoku family with a blue sweater and a note written on the back of a childhood photo. Years later, she goes to find the sister she's lost.
Tropes used in Memory's Note include:
- Abusive Parents: Ragyo being this is why Satsuki took her then toddler sister and ran away from home. As Satsuki tells Sukuyo, it was either leave her with them or have her watch Satsuki starve and die in the streets (before succumbing to starvation herself).
- Adapted Out: There are no life fibers in this fic, being an AU fic.
- Adaptational Heroism: Nui is a nice girl in this canon.
- Ambiguous Situation: In ch. 24, Nui mentions "having someone" and this "someone" was female. Who is Nui's someone? A friend, something more, or a relative? Nui doesn't elaborate on any of this besides that "someone" got sick. All we know is that Nui's "someone" was someone she loved.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Nui has some shades of this.
- Creator Provincialism: As Amoridere states and based on other clues in the story, the story takes place in the US.
- Doorstop Baby: Ryuuko's flat-out mentioned to have been left on the Mankanshokus' porch. However, there's some deconstruction to this, as Ryuuko was left there without any documentation and, thus, technically, the Mankanshokus aren't her guardians, at least, not legally, so this becomes an issue when they get a custody hearing.
- Elsewhere Fic: Somewhat.
- Friendless Background:
- As Satsuki tells Nonon, she used to pretend the latter, Uzu, Houka, and Gamagoori were her friends and that she wondered what it would be like to have friends.
- Nui, from what's implied, didn't have a friends for awhile. She takes quickly to the Four and Ryuuko.
- Happily Adopted: Played with. While she is loved and treated well by the Mankanshokus, Ryuuko very much misses her sister and has some hang-ups over being abandoned.
- I'm Not Hungry: In chapter 30, though as she recovers, Ryuuko's apatite is shot and so she doesn't eat anything that her Mako, Satsuki's classmates, or Nui offer her. The doctors wondered if they should insert a feeding tube. It's only after she sees Satsuki eating something is when she's more inclined to eat something.
- Now What?: In Ch. 34, Nonon asks this sort of question
- Orphan's Plot Trinket: Satsuki's sweater and the titular note being written on the back of a photo of when they were kids.
- Switching POV: As typical of Amoridere's fics, this fic switches POVs
- Messy Hair: Satsuki is consistently described as having messing hair. It was so messy that it obscured her face quite a bit.
- No Infantile Amnesia: Played with as Ryuuko was about three when she was left at the Mankanshokus, however, she doesn't remember too much about Satsuki or their time on the streets, though, as noted in-story, Ryuuko's memories of that time are subconscious and so she can't draw much from those. Her memories of Satsuki are more plentiful but they're kind of patchy.
- Shrinking Violet: Satsuki, though, she's more avoidant than shy. As she tells Sukuyo, she wanted to visit Ryuuko in those years but, however, she couldn't muster the courage. She's also a deconstruction because her shyness is because of being abused.
- Vague Age: As Amoridere stated, the only thing concrete about the characters' ages is that Satsuki is significantly older than Ryuuko [1] and that the story suggest that Ryuuko and Mako are about the same age.
- Virtual Soundtrack:
- Nessa's Lament (ch 9)
- These Friggin' Ears (ch 11)
- Melancholic (ch.13)
- Story of Winter(ch. 14)
- He saved me(ch. 15)
- Childhood Memories (musicbox cover)
- Lingering Heat (ch. 18)
- Uso to Honto (piano solo)(ch 20)
- Gods Creation (ch 21)
- In this moment (ch 22)
- Little Human (ch 23)
- Memento Mori (ch. 24)
- Unjust Life(ch. 25)
- Grief (ch. 26)
- Kakera(ch. 27)
- Reunion (ch. 28)
- Distant(ch. 29)
- Be Patient (ch 30)
- Friends (ch. 31)
- Akai Tori (ch. 32)
- You (ch. 34)
- Serene Stroll (ch. 35)
- What the Hell Is That Accent?:
- ↑ From Chapter 19's note: Two, ages are vague, of course, and some of the subject of Ryuuko's memories is related to her age at the time she was plopped on the Makanshokus' porch. The only thing concrete is that Satsuki, in this fic, is significantly older than her.
- ↑ Chapter 17's Note: On the subject of "Mrs. D'Sousa", she speaks with something of a combo of Portuguese and a vaguely Slavic accent, though it teeters closer to Slavic.
- ↑ Chapter 22's note