A three-issue 1990 comic book series. The comics center on the Men In Black, a secret organization that polices supernatural and extraterrestrial beings on Earth. The story centers on Agent Ecks, who goes rogue when he realizes that the Men In Black wish to Take Over the World by concealing the existence of the supernatural. Other characters include Agents Zed, Jay, and Kay.
This comic book was eventually adapted into the Men in Black film series.
Tropes included:[]
- Adaptational Villainy: Inverted. The MIB in the comics are more ruthless and sinister than their film and cartoon counterparts
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink: Unlike its film and animated adaptations, the Men in Black also monitors Mutants, demons, and other paranormal creatures.
- Heel Face Turn: Agent X
- Knight Templar
- The Men in Black: Duh.