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Men In Black[]

  • Dr. Weaver (foreshadowing her recruitment as Agent L) finishing off the giant cockroach.
  • Agent J's got a couple, mostly for the quotes given by Will Smith afterward:
    • Before he joins the MIB, he chases after an alien on foot and tackles him to the ground, while saying:

J: "You see this [badge]?! Huh?! N! Y! P! D! Means I will kNock Your Punk-ass Down!"

Alien!Perp: (out of breath, panting) He's coming... he's coming...

J: Yeah, and when he gets here, I'll arrest his ass too!

      • J being able to chase the alien down on foot -- an alien capable of running up walls -- was what convinced K that he would make a good replacement.
    • During the MIB session at the shooting range, there's J's rebuttal in defense of him shooting an eight-year-old girl instead of the "obviously" vicious-looking aliens. His explanation? The aliens were simply minding their own business, but there was Tiffany, a little white girl in the middle of the ghetto in the middle of night, carrying a handful of quantum physics textbooks way too advanced for a kid her age, so she had to be starting something.
      • The animated series reveals that the little girl guise is the preferred disguise of the Bug Queen. The little girl really is the most dangerous thing in that alley.
      • In the novelization dialogue between K and Z reveals that J actually did pick the right target. The "monsters" were depictions of ugly but totally harmless alien species!

"Or do I owe her an apology?"

      • Enjoy your new threads, Mr. Smith. You won't need any others.
    • After he dons his MIB gear for the first time:

"You know the difference between you and me? I make this look good."

  • Agent K's got some good moments, but his CMoA:

"I'm going to get my gun back."


J: "You better ease up out of my face before something bad happens to you."
The sound of the Series 4 De-Atomizer charges from the inside of the cockroach alien.

J: Too late. *BLAM!*

  • How Agents K and J shoot down a UFO which promptly crashes and skids towards them while very slowly slowing down. The best part is how the two agents don't so much as budge as it inches closer towards them.
    • It also should be noted that J obviously wants to move out of the way of the crashing spaceship, but holds his ground because K just isn't fazed.

Men In Black II[]

  • Kay, with on the fly instructions from Jay after getting his memory back, singlehandedly beating down a room full of alien thugs.

Men In Black III[]

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