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The soldier Snake spared in the opening is either Black Arts Viper or the Fiend of Kalcabar.[]

Nanomachines are responsible for the Overnight Nation.[]

  • The very end of the opening titles sequence seems to suggest this, with imagry evocative of electronics or networking, finally zooming in on a sphere that reads "<JUBAL> V." During the film, Harrison mentions that the Overnight Nation acts "In the name of Jubal." They shout "Jubal!" as a battlecry and behave almost like zombies. Vitalij, a native of the area, is perfectly normal until he sees the complex where the fighting is taking place, and there is clearly a process of some kind that turns him nuts. Brainwashing via nanomachines would explain everything.

Abraham Bishop works for the Patriots.[]

  • To what end, who knows, but one of the film's trailers does mention the Patriots, so the film's continuity may very well include them.