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  • Awesome Music
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Pierre seems to be this.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Anything that tells you War Is Hell in this film is chilling to the bone. The film's attempts at Metal Gear-esque villains, Black Arts Viper and the Fiend of Kalcabar, seem like kittens next to a man blown up by a friendly grenade, soldiers being dragged one by one in front of a crazed-looking woman with a gun for execution, and an enemy army with suspicious, subtle, zombie-like behavior who act crazed in combat.
  • Special Effects Failure: Notable for its almost total absence; the special effects are top-notch, and not just "good for a Fan Film." Only two or three minor but obvious details didn't turn out quite right. The most egregious offender is the ArmsTech soldier who gets blown up by a friendly grenade with only a mangled face to show for it. It's not that the make-up artist didn't do it right, just that he probably should've been missing limbs, if not worse, afterward.