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Protagonists & Heroes[]

Abigail "Abbey" Elaine Preston[]


 Metamor City's only paranormal consultant (i.e. ghost hunter) and one of the strongest telepaths in the Psi Collective. She's part of the Sommers family/breeding cell.


  • Badass Adorable: Even as a child, she is one of the most powerful telepaths the Psi Collective has known, and as a teenager she's even more powerful.
  • Broken Bird: She displays traces of this after the events of Making the Cut, the worst of it being her Traumatic C-Section courtesy of Victor, but in general copes with her traumatic past a lot better than many other examples of the trope.
  • Composite Character: A strange in-story example, as she in Making The Cut merged with Sasha King through a Psychic Link, during which Sasha's body was killed, leaving both personas in Abbey's mind. After some time they went through a Split Personality Merge and became one person.
  • I See Dead People: After Making The Cut.
  • Psychic Powers: Telepathy and ESP, though it's the telepathy that really makes her powerful.
  • The Soulsaver: In her job as paranormal consultant, she helps ghosts find peace and move on.
  • Troubled Backstory Flashback: Forced to go through them in Troubled Minds. The backstory is expanded upon and told in fuller detail in Making The Cut.

Brian Sommers[]


 Ex-captain of the highly secretive Psi-Ops division of the MID, an electrocineticist, and currently head of the family in a breeding cell.


  • Beware the Nice Ones: You couldn't ask for a more personable, amiable or caring guy — threaten his family or friends, though, and you are in trouble.
  • The Captain: On Psi-Ops and related missions.
  • Hollywood Hacking: With psionics. Which is every bit as awesome as it sounds.
  • The Leader: A particularly effective mix of Types II and IV; he is naturally charismatic and really cares about the people he leads, but he's also levelheaded and quick-thinking in a crisis.

Daniel/Danielle "Danni" Sharabi[]


 A low-powered telepath with Healing Hands, recently-turned androgyne in order to fit in better with the Psi Collective. An old friend of Brian Sommers, and the old boyfriend of Brian's cell-wife Rebecca. Eventually joins the Sommers breeding cell, turning it into a family with "one and a half men, three and a half women."


  • The Atoner: In the latter parts of Making the Cut, after he inadvertently helps set up circumstances that lead to the deaths of two of his closest friends.
  • Attractive Bent Gender: As Daniel, he's already very good-looking. As Danni, she is stunning.
  • Gender Bender: The First, Second and Third Laws of Gender Bending are all played with and look like they will be played straight, but are ultimately subverted.
  • Healing Hands: Not a powerful enough healer that the Collective finds any use for him as Daniel (a big reason for why he takes the Curse), but still powerful enough to bring people back from the brink of death.
  • High School Sweethearts: With Rebecca. Though the Psi Collective does not allow them to be together, they remain close, and he ends up taking some drastic actions so he can be with her anyway. In the end, it works... though not at all painlessly.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Though he has a normal human's strength and reflexes, Daniel still counts as this even for Metamor City.
  • Split Personality Takeover: This almost happens in Making the Cut.

James William "Will" Kerenson[]


 A college student and aspiring writer who came to Metamor City in order to study journalism — though his real ambition is to one day write the Great Metamorian Novel.


  • Embarrassing Nickname: His family call him "Jamie," which is one of two reasons why he prefers going by "Will." (The other reason is that he thinks "Will" sounds more like a writer's name.)
  • Lemony Narrator: Since he's an aspiring writer, he has a habit of internally describing scenes or situations in his head as he experiences them, in a style that sometimes borders on Private Eye Monologue.
  • Nice Guy: Perhaps a little naive and inexperienced at times, but he's genuinely a kind and honorable guy.
  • Unfazed Everyman: In a series where the other viewpoint characters are psionisists, wizards, androgynes or non-human in some way, Will is described as "really a pretty normal kid" with no magic, psionics or supernatural abilities. In a city like Metamor, it makes him a bit of a Fish Out of Water.

Janus Starson[]


 Metamor City's local field commander for the Lightbringers, a direct descendant of Merai Starchild and dedicated — some might say too dedicated — to protect humanity from supernatural threats.


Kathryn "Kate" Kitaen[]


 Lieutenant of the Metamor City Police Department, detective of magic affairs, master illusionist and a bit of a practical joker.


  • Action Girl: To the point of almost being an adrenaline junkie.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Not always the most deadpan of snarkers, but she generally has a witty or sarcastic comment for every situation. There are a few stories that present her in a more serious light, though
  • Master of Illusion: A rare heroic example, though she's not above using her illusions for the occasional practical joke.
  • Sad Clown: She's revealed to at least have traces of this in House Call, though she does say that her happy, joking persona isn't all an act.

Antagonists & Villains[]

Malcolm ard'Valos[]


 The Vampire Prince and head of The Syndicate of Metamor City.


Victor hin'Kavos[]


 A powerful, but ruthless telekinetic who knows how to manipulate people and can be charming when he wants something, but gets dangerous whenever things aren't going his way.


  • Cyborg: In the loosest sense, he can be said to become one in Making the Cut, after he has an electronic chip implanted in his brain that redirects his thought patterns and basically makes him immune to mind reading or mind control.
  • Faux Affably Evil
  • Lack of Empathy: Though he doesn't quite seem like it at first, this very quickly proved to be the case with him.
  • The Sociopath: Almost a textbook example, he's one of the few characters in the series with no real redeeming or even likeable qualities.



 A powerful vampire who's Malcolm ard'Valos scion (right-hand man and close confidante). In Making the Cut becomes the sire of Miriam Bakthavar.


  • Faux Affably Evil: More brutal, more temperamental and less civilized than Malcolm, though he's pretty adept at pretending he isn't.
  • I Hate You, Vampire Dad: Tends to invoke this feeling in the vampires he sires, and with good reason — but since the vampires in this universe have strong compulsions that makes them incapable of harming or disobeying their sire, the feeling is generally where it stops.

The Leanan Sidhe[]




Supporting Characters[]



 A wizard, mostly known to the citizens of Metamor City as the somewhat weird proprietor of a magic shop called Spells 4 U, but also a competent battle mage and teacher of younger wizards.


  • The Archmage: Willingly plays up to the stereotype by wearing a Robe and Wizard Hat as his normal work clothes.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Definitely has a reputation for being a bit of a Dirty Old Man, but he never acts less than honorably, and how much of the "pervert" part is genuine and how much is just him messing around with people is unclear.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Hinted to have one in Make Believe.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Gets creative with his snark sometimes, most obvious in the Running Gag when people asks how he knows their names/what they want/what their problems are before they've told him, and he wordlessly points to she sign over his counter, which says: Because I'm A Wizard, That's How!
  • Jerkass Facade: With his Dirty Old Man reputation, his Deadpan Snarker tendencies, and his fondness for dispensing Cool And Unusual Punishments to people who annoy him or don't properly read the instructions, he has a lot of people convinced he's an utter jerk. The truth is... more complicated than that.
  • Let's Get Dangerous: When he sheds his normal Robe and Wizard Hat and dons practical clothes instead, you know he's not screwing around anymore and someone is about to find out just how dangerous he really is.
  • The Omniscient: He can come off as this to people who just met him, in that he instantly knows their names and what they want from him the moment they set foot in his shop, but getting to know him better, it turns out he is Not So Omniscient After All, just very good at scrying and a skilled showman.
  • Pals with Jesus: In Make Believe, he's shown to be friends with Klepnos, the deposed trickster god.

Callie Linder[]


  A "runner" (freelance agent) for the underworld in Metamor City, and the somewhat unlikely result of a union between a human woman and a succubus/angel hybrid, which has made her a bit of a Coincidence Magnet with some strange abilities.


  • Born Lucky: Because of her unusual heritage, she's blessed with supernatural luck.
  • Coincidence Magnet: She's a variant of this; her heritage gives her what she calls a "chaos aura," which makes weird and unlikely things happen when she's around. The upshot of which is that this is what gives her her supernatural luck.
  • Genki Girl: Just a bit.
  • Kaleidoscope Eyes: One of two visible physical signs that she's not all human; her eyes change colors at random moments, and she has no control over it.
  • Loveable Rogue
  • Messy Hair: The other visible physical signs she's not all human; her hair is wild, messy and looks vaguely like a lion's mane with golden streaks in it, and utterly refuses to let itself be styled in any way.

David Silverleaf[]


  An elf who works for the Metamor City Police Department, as Kate Kitaen's partner. He is very fond of humans and has a great interest in human culture and entertainment.


  • Nice Guy: He hasn't appeared much in the stories yet, but comes across as a good-humored, laid-back sort who truly cares for people.
  • Proud Scholar Race Guy

Evan/Eva Selindi[]


  A successful and sophisticated androgyne runner who works a lot in and with the upper classes.


  • Chivalrous Pervert: Like most androgynes, has a strong sex drive in both male and female forms, and is not at all ashamed to admit it, but is moral enough to understand and back off when other people clearly aren't interested.
  • Fake Brit: Speaks with an approximate upper-class English accent, though Evan's voice-actor, Tee Morris, is American, and Eva's voice-actor, Philippa Ballantine, is from New Zealand.
  • Gender Bender: One of Metamor City's many androgynes, with a healthy dose of Attractive Bent Gender.
  • Loveable Rogue: Lives on the edge of the law, like all runners, but is extremely charming, witty, friendly, and even honorable — to a point.
  • Performance Artist: Occasionally adopts the persona of one, when an assignment calls for it.
  • Split Personality: A variant. The male and female halves of the character, Evan and Eva, refer to each other as if they were two different people, and have slight differences in tastes and preferences, but they share memories, experiences and have very similar personalities.

Fiona hin'Connaill[]


  An egoist and former lieutenant under Brian Sommers in the Psi-Ops, now one of his cell-wives and working with handling the finances for the Psi Collective.


Isri Fallon[]


  A benevolent succubus who lives openly among humans and runs an apartment complex called Serenity Arms, a safehaven for people from various walks of life.


  • Dark Is Not Evil: While she has a penchant for chaos and a deep distrust for authority figures such as the Lightbringers, and occasionally comes close to being a Well-Intentioned Extremist in dealing with them, she has a kindly disposition and a soft spot for those in distress.
  • Does Not Like Shoes: She does tend to walk around barefoot a lot.
  • Horny Devil: Well, yes, but not the malevolent kind. She does feed off sexual energies, but will not do so without consent and doesn't kill anyone.

Joe Montgomery[]


  Captain of the Metamor City Police Department, a grizzled but kindly wolverine theriomorph who has been in the game for some time.

  • Da Chief: In fact, pretty much a textbook example; he's tough-as-nails, cranky and slightly overweight, but also fair and honest, and definitely the kind of guy you'll be glad to have on your side in a fight.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure

Kevin Darby[]


  A massage therapist, low-powered pyrokinetic and non-telepathic member of the Psi Collective, he is one of the many male psionics who gets marginalized by the Collective because he doesn't have any strong powers to pass on to future generations. It doesn't help that he's gay, either.


  • "Happy Ending" Massage: Averted, referenced and discussed. He works as a massage therapist, but sometimes gets tired of having to tell over-eager customers that no, he doesn't do sexual massages, he isn't a sensualist, and in fact he has a steady boyfriend whom he has no intention of cheating on.
  • Nice Guy: He's a serene, good-humored sort who watches out for his friends when he can.
  • Straight Gay: In a series, and a community, where bisexuality is common, he is one of the few people who's completely gay — but he doesn't really display any stereotypical gay traits.

Miriam Bakhtavar[]


  One of the Psi Collective Elders and the Deputy Headmistress of Westfall Academy. Is turned into a vampire by Braddock and forced to spy on the Collective for the vampires, until she manages to kick off her Thanatos Gambit.


  • Master of Your Domain: And a highly skilled one at that, to the point where she can use her egoist powers after becoming a vampire, to make herself appear as a living, breathing human.
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: She is almost two hundred years old, but thanks to her regenerative egoist abilities still appears as a woman in her twenties.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Whereas many of the Elders get caught up in thinking of what's best for the collective as a whole and looking towards the future, and as such tend to forget the individuals, Miriam is a notable exception who truly and visibly cares for the people and is willing to hear them out.

Morgan Elizabeth Drauling[]


  A vampire lieutenant in the police force who works in the Forensic Investigation Division; i. e. the morgue. A close friend of Kate Kitaen and David Silverleaf.


Rebecca Brower[]


  A gifted esper, artist, and member of the Psi Collective who was Daniel Sharabi's high school sweetheart, and who still harbored deep feelings for him even after she was made one of the wives in the Sommers' breeding cell.


  • Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Occasionally comes across as having a mild case of this.
  • Seer: She has limited control over her visions, but they are always accurate, and her friends and family have learned to take them very seriously.
  • Undying Loyalty: To the Sommers family, but also very much to Daniel during the events of Making the Cut.

Sasha King[]


  A telepath and member of the Sommers' breeding cell, High School Sweethearts with Fiona hin'Connaill, later her "cell-mate."


  • Beware the Nice Ones: Like Brian, she is a very kind, generous and empathetic person... but threaten her family or friends, and be ready to pay.
  • Not Quite Dead: Her body dies in the climax of Making the Cut, but her mind lives on, eventually merging with Abbey's.
  • Slash Fic: By her own admission, her hobby is to write slash fic for popular TV shows.

=== Seralina Greyhaven
