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  • Samus's Fanfare.
  • Kraid's Lair. Or any of its awesome remixes.
  • And there's the original Brinstar theme.
  • Give it up for the original ending theme. Made even better by Super Smash Bros. and Metroid: Zero Mission.
    • Japanese people who had the disk system were treated to this version of the tune, which is the true original.
  • Despite being the black sheep of the series, Metroid II: Return of Samus gave us some awesome music as well...
  • One of the series most iconic themes is also one of its most awesome: the Ridley Theme.
  • Super Metroid's title music, probably still the most ominous piece ever used in the series, even after all these years.
  • In Super Metroid, the "Crateria Theme" makes a dramatic return at a critical point in the final boss battle just after Mother Brain murders the Baby Metroid. There isn't a player alive whose heartbeat, EEG reading and adrenaline release rates didn't all immediately synchronize with the pulsing bass rhythm, prior to blasting the everloving fuck out of Mother Brain with the newly-acquired Hyperbeam whilst screaming the blackest curses in their vocabulary.
  • The hauntingly beautiful West Maridia theme.
  • Brinstar started out good, then it got better.
  • We cannot miss mentioning Red Brinstar.
  • Lower Norfair from Super Metroid was pretty sweet.
  • How did we get this far without mentioning the Super Metroid theme? It was so good, they used it again in the E3 '10 trailer for Metroid: Other M.
  • Metroid: Zero Mission right after the zero suit sequence. You've been hiding and running from space pirates when suddenly you get your power suit back and it's more powerful than ever. Cue the AWESOME music that makes you feel INVINCIBLE.
    • Which you pretty much are, at least for normal enemies.
      • DAMN STRAIGHT!!! You got a Screw Attack + Space Jump combo, a full beam which nearly kills ANYTHING, and whatever lives is frozen! Plus the Gravity suit makes you immune to EVERYTHING!!! Except damage, but it's pretty weak now.
  • Two remixes of Crateria's Caves in Zero Mission for clever purposes. During the "Solid Samus" portion of the plot, an arrangement similar to the Super Metroid version serves as the "!" music, while a sedate arrangement closer to the Corruption version plays after the guards stand down.
    • And if you didn't ever get spotted, you got this, which was a remix of this...
  • A couple from Fusion - Serris/Yakuza Boss theme and an epic remix.
  • Wait, no escape themes? For shame!
  • Mother Brain's theme song in Super Metroid as she's handing your ass to you on a silver platter. In a game full of brooding slow- to mid-paced tracks, this theme song manages to sound refreshing, if not outright sinister!

Prime Trilogy[]

Other M[]
