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Metroid Prime 2 Cover Art

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Dark Echoes in Japan) is a First Person Adventure released in 2004 on the Nintendo GameCube. It is the sequel to Metroid Prime, the second game in the Metroid Prime Trilogy and the seventh game in the Metroid series. It is also the fourth game in the fictional chronology of events.

Echoes takes place on a rogue planet in the Dasha region, Aether, inhabited by a race known as the Luminoth. The Luminoth lived peacefully, protecting the planet's pure natural energy, which they call the "Light of Aether". Five decades before the game's events, a Phazon meteor collides into the planet and leaves a scar causing environmental damage and splitting the planetary energy. The split creates another planet in an alternate dimension, Dark Aether, a mirror version of Aether that is dark, arid, and has a poisonous atmosphere. Dark Aether becomes home to the Ing, cruel shapeshifting creatures who intend to destroy the Luminoth, and are able to possess bodies of the living, the dead, and the artificially intelligent. Eventually, the Ing and the Luminoth engage in a war over the planet's energy—whichever race controls it is capable of destroying the other.

Around this time, Space Pirates set up a base on Aether after detecting the mutagenic substance Phazon on the planet. A Galactic Federation Marine Corps patrol ship encounters one of the Pirates' supply ships leaving the planet and an altercation follows. Both ships suffer heavy damage, and after the Federation loses contact with the Marines, they call the bounty hunter Samus Aran to investigate.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes provides the following examples of: