Microaggressions is an archive of bigoted things people have said and done, ranging from things that sound fairly innocuous to most people to coffee-spitting horrible.
Basically, if the type of thing archived at FSTDT could be summarized as the guy who tells you you're going to Hell for being gay or belonging to a different religion, Microaggressions could be summarized as the person who gives you dirty looks and slips Chick Tracts into your bag when you're not looking. It sounds harmless enough, but a lifetime will take its toll.
Tropes Found on Microaggressions[]
- All Asians Are Alike
- Archive Binge
- Black and Nerdy: But don't you let anyone know it, lest they become "intimidated."
- Blatant Lies: "I'm not racist/sexist/homophobic, but..."
- Braids, Beads, and Buckskins: worn by white people with no clue how offensive they're being.
- Hide Your Gays
- Hysterical Woman: Because apparently, upset woman = hysterical woman.
- Insistent Terminology: You're going to get called "Oriental" whether you like it or not!
- I Reject Your Reality: One example...
- It's All About Me: Many, many, many examples. One of which: the person who whined about being "alienated" because two people weren't speaking English.
- Kick the Dog: This. Just... this.
- Mistaken Nationality: Many, many cases - most glaring where people assume non-white Americans are actually immigrants.
- Personal Dictionary: (Insert slur of choice here) isn't offensive because I say it means (something it doesn't usually mean)!
- Scary Black Man: Apparently, it's "natural" to find people with dark skin intimidating.
- Some of My Best Friends Are X
- Troubled Sympathetic Bigot: Most of the quotes comes from average, everyday people who don't even realize how hurtful they're being.