Midworld is a fictional fantasy book series from the Chaos Timeline by Max Sinister. In this Alternate History, it's about as important as The Lord of the Rings in our history.
Midworld is a series of fantasy novels from New Albion, which describes the rise of a mercenary and former street urchin to emperor in a fantasy world. It's the most famous fantasy book series in this world; about twice as long as LOTR, but other than the latter it's not set in a mostly wilderness world, but a more sophisticated environment with many great cities, sorcerer guilds and knights in their castles (and anachronistically, some newer elements too). The main character's fate is often compared to that of Prince Alasdair. Hence, the series starts in the country of Albia which has many similarities with both Bonnie Scotland and Norway. Many forested mountains and such.
- Cool Sword: Our hero gets it from the dwarfs, in #3.
- Did Not Do The Research: Even fans have to admit that technology as depicted in the books doesn't make sense. Well, the author was anything but an engineer.
- Good Kingdom: Albia. Our hero reigns it since #6.
- Growing the Beard: It took some time for him, but most fans agree that the series got better when he made it less historical and added more purely fantasy elements, like Evil Sorcerors as enemies.
- No Communities Were Harmed: "Germany" is a collection of republics in need of an emperor. Poland is a wide plain (more like Ukraine...) with cossack-like troops. "Italy" has a king on his deathbed who still doesn't die for years (in this world, Truth in Television). "Spain" fights "jinns" (stand-in for Muslims). There's even a desert theocracy modelled after Irish-settled Australia.
- No Name Given: The Evil Empire oppressing Albia is only called "the empire" and such in the first book(s) before we learn it's called D'nalg'neton.
- Occupiers Out of Our Country!: Albia vs. D'nalg'neton.
- Pirates: Who resemble this world's Canadians.
- Punctuation Shaker: The empire of D'nalg'neton which oppresses Albia, its capital Nod'nolton, its king Yr'nehton and the "daughter of god" Y'ramton.
- Sdrawkcab Name: See Punctuation Shaker
- Shown Their Work: The author is the royal court historian of New Albion and knows his trade. Fans like his descriptions of battles and royal speeches.
- Snake People: They're poisonous to boot, and that's no metaphor.
- So Bad It's Good: Critics said about it that the series has Black and White Morality and the hero is a bit of a Mary Sue. But since it's the Trope Maker for this world's fantasy genre, fans still love it even when it's cheesy sometimes.
- Strawman Political: Midworld was written by a radical monarchist, so republicans (not the US party) are called the "no-thing people" and depicted as a kind of nihilists.
- Theme Naming: See Punctuation Shaker