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- Crowning Moment of Awesome: In "Losing Lancelot", when Lu tells Og that Mike is risking her life to save Lancelot from sharks, he rushes to his workshop and builds a motorboat in half a minute to rescue her.
- The animals rescuing the islanders from a fiery death in "Whole Lotta Shakin".
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: At the end of "Scooba Doobie Do", when Mike gets a letter from her friends from New York saying they've dumped her, she decides that at least she's got Lu and Og for friendship. Okay, maybe just Og.
- Crowning Music of Awesome: Mike's epic hopscotch moves to a hip-hop remix of the show's standard stock music.
- Ear Worm: "All on the island where nobody goes."
- "Gotta keep on movin'"
- "All on the good ship Betty Anne"
- Some of the custom end credits themes sung by the characters can be this. An example is Mike's "Island Ways".
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: In "Whole Lotta Shakin", Mike is seen building a sand-castle replica of Manhattan, complete with Twin Towers. Two years later...
- It didn't help that the volcano's shaking caused the whole model to fall apart.
- Genius Bonus: In "Tea For Three", Mike recognizes the song Queeks is whistling in his sleep as Tea For Two. Like any kid today would know that song.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: This line from "Losing Lancelot":
Margery: "Well, I'm just not sure if I approve, I don't know if those two (Mike and Og) are old enough to go out on a boat alone." |
- And let's not forget when Og went naked in "Hot Couture" during the fashion show. Everyone applauded; Mike was seriously squicked out!
- In "The Tube", when Og gets the idea to invent a TV, he grabs Mike's hand to aid him on gathering scrap to build it.
- In "Night Of The Living Ancestors", while Mike is sleeping, a ghost creates a lump in her blanket.
- The original What a Cartoon pilot actually had Lu TOPLESS, with a white stripe painted across her chest. The series gave her a green tubetop.
- Though they bowdlerized clips from the pilot to have Lu appear to have the tubetop when clips from the pilot would be seen on promos leading up to the series premiere.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: Hey! Pauly D stole Alfred's hairdo!
- Needs More Love
- Nightmare Fuel: "Opposites Attack". Og is driven insane by all the demands for his inventions and builds robots to kill everyone. Luckily, he snaps out of it, barely saving Mike from getting drilled in the eye!
- In "Hot Dog", Mike's obsession with hot dogs got so out of hand, she started seeing everyone and everything as hotdogs.
- In "The Three Amigas", Lu dreams that she's been invited to Mike and Herminoe's slumber party in a castle. Then, the castle starts crumbling and falling down, while Mike and Herminoe mockingly chant "No room for you!". And that face Herminoe made!
- Wendell's trippy Freak-Out from Queek's potion in "A Bicycle Built For Me".
- The extreme close-up on Mike's face in "A Boy's Game", complete with Slasher Smile.
- Tear Jerker: "Palm Pet".
Mike: This stinks. Everybody's got a buddy on this island except me. Some exchange student. I could've picked friends but no, I had to pick a lost island with six people. I've never been blown off by a goat before. |
- "Fathers And Pies", when Alfred and Margery believe Og's been turned into a pie. They then try to act as if nothing's happened to spare "Og's" feelings.
Margery: I made your favorite dessert. (realizes what she just said; bursts into tears) |
- Viewer Gender Confusion: What would you expect, with a girl named Mike?
- Her real name is Michelanne, but nobody ever calls her that. And lives.
- On the opposite side, Word of God revealed Lancelot the turtle to be a girl. The lack of Tertiary Sexual Characteristics coupled with the manly name won't help new viewers.