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  • Crazy Awesome: He embodies this in music more than anyone else.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Mike has applied his vocal talent to a large, large variety of music across many different genres.
  • Dude, Not Funny: Making fun of Hillel Slovak for dying of heroin overdose in Mr. Bungle.
  • Memetic Sex God: Everybody is gay for Mike Patton, no exceptions.
  • Nightmare Fuel: He reportedly used no post-processing to achieve the incredibly disturbing, nightmare-inducing voice of The Darkness. Just his voice and a microphone.
    • The same talent that lets him range from the nasty gurgling of the Boomer to the hair-raising screeching of the Hunter in Left 4 Dead. As well as all the other disturbing zombie noises in the game. And G La DOS's Anger Core in Portal.
    • Hell, his music in general can get to this point. Especially in the cases of Fantomas and Maldoror.