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  • Cast the Expert: Maggie's opponent in her final match was played by Lucia Rijker, a champion female boxer in Real Life.
  • Dueling Movies:
    • With regards to theme: Cinderella Man, a more conventional Oscar Bait boxing flick that came out in the same year, but ran out of buzz long before the awards season rolled round.
    • It was something of an upstart at the Oscars, as everyone was expecting The Aviator to be Martin Scorsese's long-awaited triumph. MDB strolled in without an ounce of hype and walked away with best picture and best director.
  • Dyeing for Your Art
  • Fake Irish: Averted in case of Frankie Dunn: the actor does have Irish ancestry. Hilary Swank, not so much, but her character doesn't have any connection to Ireland besides the last name Fitzgerald.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Shawrelle is played by Anthony Mackie, who is easily recognizable from The Hurt Locker and the Biggie Smalls biopic Notorious and now as the Falcon in Captain America: The Winter Soldier.