One of the oldest running games on Livejournal, set in a bar called Milliways.
Tropes used in Milliways Bar include:
- Eighties Hair: Various characters from the eighties (and some who aren't), but Penn's stands out because it let Alba instantly identify when he was from.
- Alien Geometries: Milliways has a lot of them (particularly the Bigger on the Inside variety) but many aren't immediately obvious.
- Amazing Technicolor Population: Regular-colored humans predominate, but Milliways has a smattering of weirdly colored but approximately human-looking patrons; some are Anthropomorphic Personifications, some are sprites, some are aliens, some are Mutants, and some are just weird like that.
- Bathroom Stall Graffiti
- First Time in the Sun: Ellen Park (the Lone Wanderer) freaked out about the "big blue room with no ceiling" when she first saw the sky, and has a journal name reflecting this.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water: Any character from more than a few decades ago, because most of the patrons are from near the present and Milliways appears as a modern bar. Some adjust better than others.
- Geographic Flexibility: It's not very clear where the different bits of outdoor scenery like the lake and the firing range are in relation to each other.
- Inn Between the Worlds
- Interspecies Friendship: These spring up easily.
- Killer Rabbit: The demon bunnies are a literal example. They breathe fire.
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- Mega Crossover
- Crossover Ship: Some examples include Tom Riddle/Door, Ray Stantz/Romana, and Mia Ausa/Draco Malfoy.
- Name's the Same: The first one that comes to mind is Adrian Shephard and Commander Shepard.
- Planet Eris: Partly inherent in the setting and partly because it connects so many different canons, many of which are already Planet Erises or Fantasy Kitchen Sinks.
- Portal Network. The House of Arch. Yes, the one from Neverwhere. It's a dwelling place for some bar residents.
- Sentient Phlebotinum. Bar. She's not just a piece of furniture. She's a very intelligent piece of furniture.
- Sir Swearsalot: Adrian Shephard. Also Karkat Vantas.
- Year Outside, Hour Inside: For the vast majority of patrons, time in their world stops while they're in Milliways. However, while they're away from Milliways, there's no guarantee that the same amount of time will pass in their world as in the bar, which has its own calendar (matching our world's).