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Hal Seeger created this Animated Anthology in the 1960s for ABC. The show was to have debuted in September 1964, but it was delayed until October 1965. Its run ended in September 1968.

Milton was a lovable, friendly monster who only superficially resembled Frankenstein's Monster. His voice was based on Jim Nabors' Gomer Pyle from The Andy Griffith Show. Milton was created by Professor Weirdo and his assistant, Count Kook, in their laboratory atop Horror Hill. His loveable personality had been the result of a lab accident during his creation. Professor Weirdo, in his haste, accidentally added too much tenderness and Milton was the result.

Because Milton was so good and lovable, Professor Weirdo and Count Kook spent many sleepless nights plotting ways to evict him from the castle. Also living in Weirdo's castle atop Horror Hill were two other creatures, Heebie and Jeebie, who joined in the adventures. Voice talent included Bob McFadden, Dayton Allen, Larry Best and Beverly Arnold.

The Milton the Monster Show had the following supporting segments:

  • Fearless Fly told the story of Hiram, a meek insect who became a superhero when he put on special glasses.
  • Flukey Luke was about a cowboy hero whose Indian sidekick, Two Feathers, spoke with an Irish accent.
  • Muggy-Doo, Boy Fox was about a foxy con artist who was originally portrayed as a cat in a 1963 Paramount theatrical cartoon, "Boy Pest With Osh" (which in turn was based on a comic book Hal Seeger drew in the early 1950s).
  • Penny Penguin was about a bratty little penguin girl and her mother.
  • Stuffy Durma was about a millionaire hobo.
Tropes used in Milton the Monster include: