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Daredevil is facing the opposite direction."


Mini Marvels is a Self-Parody of the Marvel Universe created by Chris Giarrusso, a universe that deliberately pokes fun at the Crapsack World aspect of the latter. Much fun.

How much? Well, it comes off as a Fun Personified universe compared to the mainstream M.U.. The kicker is, all the superheroes are Peanuts-esque kids, Secret Identity is not a problem whatsoever, and most surprisingly, The Good Guys Always Win.

The only (notable) adults are Stan Lee, Jarvis, Norman Osborn/The Green Goblin, Aunt May, Nick Fury and J. Jonah Jameson.

In particular, their versions of most Crisis Crossovers always end up as self-parodies, like Civil Wards, which pokes fun at the un-needed Conflict Ball present in the Marvel Civil War.

There are many other memorable moments, such as when Harry Osborn saves Gwen Stacy, thus making this incarnation of the character one of the few ones still alive (alongside the other two[1]).

This series and its setting started as a series of strips by Giarrusso, called "Bullpen Bits", relying more heavily on the Peanuts aspect, but when it evolved into Mini Marvels, the series' source of inspiration was ultimately dropped.

This comic series provides examples of the following tropes:[]


 Hulk (in his video message): "Iron Man, Mr. Fantastic, and Dr. Strange... you have twenty-four hours to face me, or I'll flatten New York City. To clarify, our battle will consist of me physically beating you into submission, so abandon any notion that your facility with haiku will be of any advantage. Last, but not least, I will smash anybody else who tries to get in my way."

Spider-Man: "I'm inclined to stay out of his way."


 Hawkeye: "I remember you!"

Sentry: "Really?!"

Hawkeye: "No."


 Iron Man: "C'mon! You heard him - - he's threatened the whole city!"

Cyclops: "Only if you three don't show up!"

Wolverine: "For anybody else involved in this, they'd have to be completely insane!"

(Beat Panel)

Iron Man: "Sentry, can you do us a favor?"

    • At the end of the Planet Hulk parody, all of the Illuminati are freaking out over the Hulk approaching Earth...except Namor, who's in his best "don't give a crap" pose saying "I live underwater".
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Gwen Stacy. That Gwen Stacy.
  • Spiritual Successor: The Superhero Squad Show. However, Mini Marvels is still an ongoing series.
  • Take That: Many pot-shots at Marvel themselves. This universe's Sentry, in particular, gets a nasty one from none other than the MiniMarvels-verse Deadpool:

 Sentry: "Why doesn't anyone remember me? I'm the Sentry, darnit! The Sentry!"

Deadpool: "Listen, I can't remember every guy I beat up."


 Sentry: "Wolverine! You remember me, don't you?"

Wolverine: "You from Project Weapon X?"

Sentry: "No, I..."

Wolverine: "Shut up."


 Zero G: Powa Pack, Attack! [saves Spider-Man from Sandman's grip]

Lightspeed: Take dat! [punches Sandman in the face]

Energizer: Sandman go boom! [shoots energy beams at Sandman]

Mass Master: I'm a cloud! [floats around in the background]


  1. three if you count Spider-Man: The Animated Series as well
  2. Here it is - just in case it ever gets changed with another page image.
  3. It comes from newspaper print ink, who would've thought?