Minions At Work is an action figure Photo Comic by author J. Steven York based on the travels and travails of all those background bad guys who do the gruntwork for Big Bads.
Remember, "Evil is not their nature, evil is just their day job."
"All Minion-action monitored by the Society for the Prevention of More than the Usual Degree of Cruelty to Minions."
Includes examples of:[]
- Alternate Universe
- Bad Boss
- Collapsing Lair
- Everything's Better with Dinosaurs
- Everything's Better with Penguins
- Genie in a Bottle
- The Guards Must Be Crazy
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy
- Kick the Dog
- Mad Scientist
- Mook Face Turn
- Mooks
- No OSHA Compliance
- Perfect Poison
- Punch Clock Villain
- Right Behind Me
- Supervillain Lair
- Thirteen Is Unlucky
- Timey-Wimey Ball
- Trap Door
- Unholy Matrimony
- Unwilling Suspension
- Villain Exit Stage Left
- Weapon of Mass Destruction
- You Are Number Six: Their names
- Your Door Was Open