Minoriteam was an animated series that first aired on Adult Swim in 2005 and ran for a single season.
The story revolves around five super heroes, consisting of Dr. Wang, El Jefe, Jewcano, Fasto, and Non-Stop, each based on an racial or ethnic stereotype, who join up to fight discimination. Their main opponents are The White Shadow, headed by the White Shadow, a man with the Illuminati pyramid as a head. The show only lasted one year, but being a racially charged show, was crammed pack with racial tropes, played straight, subverted, and averted. All members of the team, with the exception of Dr. Wang, have non-stereotypical civilian identities.
- Amoral Attorney: The White Shadow employs one called Loophole.
- Ancient Conspiracy: The White Shadow has one, based on keeping minorities down.
- Angry Black Man: Fasto
- Asian and Nerdy: Dr. Wang, Chinese Human Calculator.
- Asian Store Owner: Non-Stop. His lead-lined skin is invulnerable to firearms!
- Badass Beard: Jewcano and Non-Stop
- Badass Israeli: Jewcano
- Badass Mustache: El Jefe.
- Black and Nerdy: Civilian Fasto is a book worm, and a college professor.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Racist Frankenstein loves to party.
- The Cameo: Master Shake as an alarm clock.
- Captain Ethnic: All of the Minoriteam. Played for laughs.
- And most of the White Shadow's group, white Captains Ethnic.
- Captain Ersatz: Balactus.
- The Weatherman is based on the original Ted Baxter.
- Jewcano is a jewish Thor.
- Chinese Launderer: Guess where the team meets?
- Dumb Muscle: Racist Frankenstein - body of a monster, mind of a racist!
- Enemy Mine: When aliens kidnap them, Minoriteam and the White Shadow must team up to escape. Everyone is very uncomfortable about this.
- Ethnic Menial Labor: El Jefe's greatest fear is becoming a stereotype like this... despite already being one.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: White Rapper is a white rapper, Dirty Cop is a policeman made of filth and grime, Loophole is a rope tied into a loop, Racist Frankenstein is... well, you get the idea.
- Five-Token Band: The Minoriteam, natch.
- Genius Cripple: Dr. Wang.
- Gratuitous Spanish: El Jefe's dialogue is all in Spanish, but slowly and in very simple terms - like someone who barely spoke Spanish wrote his dialogue. This is probably intentional for the sake of parody, though.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: Jewcano is extremely irritable.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: Dana Snyder as Dr. Wang.
- Michael Clarke Duncan as Balactus.
- Homage: Aside from Jack Kirby and comics in general, the show had a whole episode based on Goodfellas.
- Hulk Speak: Racist Frankenstein. "Raaargh! Me hit blacks with hands!"
- Informed Judaism: Heavily averted with Jewcano.
- Jerkass: Dr. Wang is a Class A asshole through and through.
- It's been stated that Jewcano's origin was being thrown in a volcano by Dr. Wang, triggering his Fly or Die transformation. It's unclear whether he knew or not this would happen.
- Kirby Dots: Show is rife with them, which makes sense since it is a Homage to Jack Kirby.
- Large Ham: The White Shadow.
- Masked Luchador: El Jefe's father, El Yo.
- Monster Clown: Halfpint, the evil gangster clown.
- No Indoor Voice: Jewcano.
- Oireland: Seamus Mc Fistycuffs, a member of The White Shadow, is this shade of racism.
- Olympic Games: One episode was based around The White Shadow trying to win as many gold medals as possible to fulfill a prophecy.
- Playing with Fire: Jewcano.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Racist Frankenstein.
- Robo Speak: The Standardized Test, though occasionally he busts out colloquialisms and contractions.
- Sassy Black Woman: Jewcano is dating one in his civilian disguise - Fasto's cousin Tamika
- Shiksa Goddess: Jewcano's girlfriend again.
- Sim Sim Salabim: Non-Stop's appearance is deliberately crafted to fit this image.
- The Starscream: The Corporate Ladder is constantly plotting behind the White Shadow's back.
- The Stoner: Non-Stop's secret identity is that of a slacking burnout former pro skater.
- Super Speed: Fasto is the fastest man alive
- Twofer Token Minority: Dr Wang, an Asian handicapped person.
- Where Da White Women At?: Fasto's weakness is white women. He just can't control himself around them.
- Yellow Peril: Dr. Wang is based on this type of character.
- Yes-Man: The Corporate Ladder