Minutemen is a comedy/sci-fi/adventure that aired on the Disney Channel about three high school kids who invent a time machine to spare others just like them from the humiliation they've endured.
After a split-second decision on the first day of freshman year, Virgil Fox finds himself stuck at the bottom of the social hierarchy. So when his child prodigy best friend invents a time machine, Virgil decides that the least he can do is save others from the same fate.
Not to be confused with The Minutemen, or the '40s hero team that preceded the failed Crimebusters {not actually the Watchmen}.
Tropes associated with this movie:[]
- All Guys Want Cheerleaders: Namely, Stephanie.
- Applied Phlebotinum: The only explanation for Charlie building a time machine out of things stolen from around the school.
- Badbutt: Zeke.
- Chekhov's Gun: The Grappling Hook. Discussed by the Minute Men with Zeke insisting it will come in handy. And it does!
- Child Prodigy
- Cool Loser: Virgil.
- Jerk Jock: Derrick.
- Limited Social Circle: The nerd table.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: The Minutemen must act quickly to repair the space-time continuum after their time traveling creates a singularity that will eventually destroy the earth.
- Rousing Speech: Virgil attempts one of these when he's trying to convince Zeke that the Minutemen are a good idea.
- Set Right What Once Went Wrong: Virgil's goal.
- Shout-Out: Many references to Back to The Future are in this movie.
- Teen Genius: Charlie.
- Time Travel: The centerpiece of the plot.