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Miracle Monday is a novel about Superman written by Elliot S! Maggin who had previously written another Superman novel, Last Son of Krypton. It came out around the time of the second Superman movie, but it's not a Novelization of it, but rather a separate story taking place in the comic book's Continuity. Maggin based it on a similar story he wrote once for the Superman comics.
The novel is about Kristin Wells, a far-future descendant of Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen, who comes back in time to find out the origin of the holiday known as Miracle Monday; instead she finds herself involved in a clash between Superman and the forces of Hell!
This novel is best remembered for introducing the character of Kristin, who would go on to become Superwoman in the comics, as well as containing perhaps the biggest Crowning Moment of Awesome of Superman's career: outsmarting The Devil himself! (Lex Luthor also sort of gets one, when he refuses to sell Superman's soul to the Devil.)
The entire text of the novel can be found on the internet.
- A Form You Are Comfortable With: The devils do not actually look like their traditional image, it's just a form designed to scare humans.
- Canon Foreigner: Kristin.
- Demonic Possession: Kristin falls victim to it.
- Expansion Pack Past: This novel features the origin of Superman's vow to never kill.
- Flash Back: Used to show Superman's youth in Smallville.
- Foe Yay: Between Superman and Lex Luthor.
- High Octane Nightmare Fuel: Jonathan Kent's nightmare about Clark having all of his powers, but none of his moral sense. Thankfully, Jonathan wakes up just before Clark is about to split Jonathan's skull open.
- Laser-Guided Amnesia: In the end, only Superman and Krystin remember what happened.
- Louis Cypher: "C.W. Saturn"
- Science vs. Magic: Contains both Time Travel and infernal entities.
- Shout-Out: To The Devil and Daniel Webster.
- Tear Jerker: That poor dog back in Smallville. Clark's reaction is understandable.
- Thou Shall Not Kill: Superman's main virtue, and the very heart of the story.
- Title Drop: There is a "Miracle Monday" in the story itself.
- Took a Third Option: Superman would not kill the possessed Krystin; he would rather spend the rest of his life fighting Saturn.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: In this story, we learn that watching someone, anyone, die literally makes Superman/Clark sick.