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  • The final, special episode tributing the past Sentai. Domon started praising how Choudenshi Bioman started the trend of 'two women in a team' and that both girls (Jun and Hikaru) are hot... within the earshot of Yuuri. Cue in-show explosion, and it shows that Yuuri brutalized Domon's face for being a pervert.
  • In an earlier episode, Sion talks to Domon about when it's appropriate to say he "loves" something. This results in asking if it would be proper to say that he "loves" Domon (meaning it in the sense of them being friends, of course.) Cue Domon freaking out for a moment, while random people walking by, staring at the two of them. Domon then desperately attempts to clarify what Sion meant for those who overheard it.