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Mirror is a (presently in "Early Access") video game / visual novel made by SakuraGame. The game's plot is a collection of short narratives taking place in different locations spanning different time periods and even universes it seems. The game mixes similar mechanics to HuniePop, except instead of dating girls, you're battling them.

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Tropes used in Mirror include:
  • Aerith and Bob: The names of the girls range from sensible to bizarre:
  • Alpha Bitch: The lady Pharaoh. She's such a douche her high priestess, no paragon of civility herself, even she's a bit disgusted by her highness' snobbishness.
  • Ascended Fan There's official DLC that was released from the game that consists of pictures of women cosplaying the female characters in the game. Not to mention, the developers have actually taken a few suggestions for the game and actually implemented them.
  • Asshole Victim One of the stories involves a Priestess being raped and impregnated by a demonic overlord whose plan is to assume a form using the woman's own mental image of a form. In return, she traps the entity in the form of a human baby, which she instantly births and raises as her own child. The funny part is that said demon still has some semblance of consciousness inside its new body, but is forced to act like that of a toddler.
    • It actually gets even better: The demon is utterly screwed out of having any power over it's new form, being forced to watch helplessly as the human child it inhabits acts like an actual child instead of being a vessel for the wishes of the impotent demon now along for the ride. Considering this was all set up in manner that backfired in every meaningful way, it's essentially an Ironic Hell for the villain.
  • Awesome but Impractical Some of the girls' attire is supposed to be combat-ready armor, but realistically leaves a little too much exposed to actually protect them from real threats. Sure makes 'em looks hot though.
    • Justified in the case of female pharaoh, since she likes to flaunt her body.
  • Beast Folk One of the girls comes from a tribe of orcs of the "rodentia" variety.
  • Break The Haughty: Augie Terry has her haughtiness basically obliterated in her good ending, as the events of said good ending make her regret all the vain crap she pulled to get to that point. It also has the effect of watering down her Alpha Bitch attitude by a considerable degree.
  • Character Archetype The girls in this story each cover specific examples of these. Nun, priestess, thief, jungle girl, spirit, etc.
  • Coitus Ensues The common formula for each story is meet girl, battle girl while seducing, and then once you've defeated her 3 times, this happens in the form of what is called "discipline mode", which although it varies for each girl, this is what it amounts to. The characters also have sex in the endings as well, at least in the good ones for certain, but sometimes the bad as well.
  • Downer Ending Each story has at least 1 "Good" and 1 "Bad" ending to them. Some of these endings can come off as this whether they're the "Good" or the "Bad" ones.
  • Explicit Content Even without the uncensored patch installed, this game is definitely NOT for minors. And no, it isn't just sexual content that earns it that adult/mature rating either.
  • Fandom Nod The developers have been quite generous toward their fanbase, and have even taken some of their suggestions and added them to the game itself in some of the updates.
  • Fetish Fuel Let's see... There's a dark elf-thief, a dragon-girl maid, a skimpy samurai armor girl, a miko priestess, a nun, a cleopatra-esque maiden, a jungle girl orc, and a Chinese spirit girl. What about S&M, tentacles, toys, and some good ol fashion TnA?
  • Fixed Encounters The way each story works is that there's plot, then a puzzle fight, plot, puzzle, plot, puzzle, "plot", extra puzzle, and then either the "good" or "bad" ending for each girls' story arc.
  • Good and Evil For Your Convenience The characters you "play as" in the stories aren't always good or always evil, but it's kind of obvious they all have one common end goal in mind regarding the girls they meet.
  • Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Invoked in the good ending for Augie Terry. Amusingly, it's realizing she's become the recipient of the trope that makes it a good ending, as all the horrible crap she did and intended to do before that point now doesn't look so fun in hindsight, meaning she lives but mellows out quite a bit.
  • Hilarious in Flashback Some of the endings achieve this, but it depends on the order in which you unlocked them.
  • Idiot Ball Some of the characters in the different stories like to toss it around.
  • Jerkass Ball The stories sometimes paint the girls as a Jerkass or the player's character as one OR sometimes they have other characters who fill the roll, but rest assured there's one in nearly all the stories in some way.
    • In Daisy's story, you can make the argument both her and the demon take turns with this trope.
    • Yoko is clearly the victim of these in her arc, but the good ending gives her some ironic payback on them.
    • Cai Yun's arc lacks any clear cut examples of any character being an outright prick, but you can make the argument all involved have their moments of acting out this trope.
    • Neither Lin nor your character in her arc are this, but you can make an argument your player character dad is an asshat.
    • Unita's story is a tad ambiguous. She's a bit of a jackass, but so is your main character, but considering the good ending has them falling for each other and being Happily Married at some point, it very well may have been a mutual Fetish for them.
    • Ketsuno's arc make it understandable on both sides. She's a douche because she's a very confused Fish Out of Water and very little is being done to make that better for her. Your main character is one because she basically became his problem and while he'd clear up her confusion if he could, he lacks the context to do so.
    • Augie Terry is a clear example of this trope, but she mellows out in her good ending. The priestess Selene is a milder example, but she has her moments, especially if you go for the bad ending.
  • Karma Houdini Zigzagged in Augie Terry's ending. While she doesn't necessarily pay for all the crap she pulled prior, at least not directly, her good ending winds up making her go Screw This, I'm Outta Here to her plans to turn into an immortal. The amusing reason why that is: she basically had to have sex in front of her own ancestors, and she was so mortified they were getting off on watching her have sex with another woman she realized she'd be taking in the essence of the same undead that just got off to her to get what she was after, and that, ironically, killed her interest in power completely through a backhanded Break The Haughty sequence.
  • Ki Attacks The Puzzle mode has "magic spell" gems which sometimes invoke this kind of a feel.
  • Love Across Battlelines Seeing as you have to fight against the girls before you can get them to like you, it counts as this for each route pretty much.
  • Moral Event Horizon Considering how you play as the villain in some of the routes, YOU actually risk crossing this line based on your choices.
  • No Antagonist Not all of the stories have straight-up antagonists. At least beyond the girls you have to battle, but even then, they aren't all necessarily good or evil either.
  • Over 9000 Yeah, they use this joke.
  • Open and Shut Case Some of the stories are pretty straight forward from start to finish.
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner Happens sometimes when you're about to enter a battle.
  • Quick Draw Decision You have 40 - 55 turns to defeat your opponent by depleting all their health using the puzzle system. Early on it may seem like a lot, but for the later levels... not so much.
  • Relationship Upgrade Considering how you have to fight each girl 3-4 times before unlocking the endings, most of the good endings wind up having this happen.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons Some of the stories are pretty much nukige shorts, others have characters that are "in the right" based squarely on technicalities which they use to justify their actions.
  • Silly Rabbit, Cynicism Is for Losers Happens in Unita's story. She was sad, because she ran out of time for her village's trial, but Iser told her not to bother worrying and to just elope with him, which she does in the Good Ending.
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl Considering that in one of the stories, the girl is able to transform into a full-scale dragon...
  • Trick Boss: It's a game versus an entire lineup of these.
  • Under Siege The Bad Ending for the 7th girl has her entire clan seemingly wiped out, her home burning around them, and her enemies overrunning her clan's former territory.
  • Villain Ball The player's character sometimes, the various women sometimes, select random other characters in the stories.
  • What an Idiot! The male orcs in Unita's bad ending think that having a tiny penis is good and lasting more than 2 minutes is a waste of time.
  • Wimpification Happens to a few of the girls, but then, you ARE battling them to defeat them 4 times.
  • X Marks the Spot One of the combat gems is an X formed by 2 small swords.
  • Your Answer to Everything The puzzle combat is your only option for getting the girls to calm down at times, no matter how nice or mean you are to them.
  • Zig Zag Flag Shag Yeah, some of the girls experience their own Sex Face Turn. For better or worse depending on the outcome.